The Dog and the Rat

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Name's Vargo, and might I say, how great it is to be a dog. No matter what you are, small, big, round, skinny. Dog's have the life, and I never knew how good it really was until I met this rat named Savior. I know, I know, what's a tough big ol' pitbull doin wit a lil rat? It might seem ludacris, but me and that rat have had some pretty good times. Without him, o boy, I'd still be with that dawgun farmer Hazbin. You see, I used to live on a farm, with plains and trees for the eye can see. It was beautiful, and Hazbin was such a great guy, and his family was absolutely the greatest. But one day, everything was spun around when Hazbin and his wife got in a fight, a big fight. I tried to stop him, but, he got so mad and hit her; really hard too. When he looked back at her with those same loving eyes, oh man, she was gone in a single blink. She took the kids and drove away, I never saw her and the kids again, they never even said goodbye. Though I didn't let it hold me down, I tried my best to cheer Hazbin up, but he started changing, like really changing. He only fed me once a day, he didn't let me in the house, he gave me harder work, but most importantly, he put me in this dog competition. Some days we'd go to some abandoned shack, and he'd throw me in some fenced area, and I was forced to fight my own flesh and blood. Who knew a man could become so.....cold.

One day, I saw this rat trying to steal some eggs from the refrigerator. I was feeding the chickens when I saw the critter eating it through the window. Hazbin jumped out his socks and opened the front door wide open.

He told me, "get it yuh dumb dog!" And let's just say, I don't know whether he was mad about the broken tv, or the messed up kitchen. Either way, he locked me in my crate and kept me in there for four straight days, no water, and no food.

An' the weirdest thing happen to me on the second day, the rat came in to see me, he even brought some cheese.

I remember him telling me, "why do you stay here mate? I mean, yuh got the whole countryside for miles." I told him I didn't know. I didn't really wanna leave Hazbin, he needed me.

The rat said, "the man you once knew is gone, yuh can't keep hangin on to a man who has nothing to live for."

I growled at the rat that day and chased him out my crate he dawgun made me mad. I don't like being the bad dog, but when someone darn speaks bad 'bout my human, it trips a nerve. But, it did make me think a lil, the dog fights, which sent a shiver down my spine. The alcohol he always drank, I made sure to stay away from him when he had a glass. Then there was this, the crates, the short leash he usually had me on, not lettin me in the house. Was Hazbin really gone? I used to be able to run all the way into the forest and chase rabbits. I'd bring em home, and Hazbin would stuff em and hang em. It was like a lil trophy case for me. Now, I didn't even see it in the house when I went in there to chase the rat. I kept telling myself that Hazbin was still in there.

The third day, the rat returned, he even brought more food. I was starving and gobbled it all in a minute. He asked me, "did you think about what I told yuh mate? I can get yuh outta here, it wouldn't be hard." I told the rat I wasn't interested in anything he had to say to change my mind. The rat just laughed and said, "well holler Savior if you ever need a friend."

The nerve, rats are always playin those games with your head. Thinkin they could just waltz in with all the affection, thinking they're the best. Though I had it all wrong, I thought Savior was trying to steal Hazbin from me, a dumb conclusion I know. But I swore that the next time I saw that rat, I'd bite his face off.

The fourth day, Hazbin came to get me out, I was so glad to see him. But as soon as he saw all the food and crumbs, he completely lost it. He yelled at me and shook his finger, he even kicked me straight in my nose. Something snapped in me that day, I didn't know what I was doing when tackled Hazbin and bit him.....a lot. He was bleeding all over the place when he threw me off of him. I didn't know what got into me. I tried to beg, I tried to lick his wounds, letting him know I was sorry. But every dog knew, you bite yuh owner, the pound will come and get yuh. I was horrified when he took out his calling box and gave the people our address. Then that's when I heard Savior's voice.


I high tailed it out the yard, and Hazbin wasn't far behind. I was racing toward the wooden fence that separated the field from the streets, Hazbin calling my name behind me.

I saw Savior on the top of the fence as I came nearer, he told me to run through the fence. At that point, I wasn't questioning anything. I busted straight through the wooden plank, it hurt my head, but it saved my life. Savior jumped right on my back as I ran through the streets, Hazbin still calling and cursing my name from the fence.

I was running for hours, going off Savior's directions. He never told me where we're going, all he told me, was that we were going to a safe place.

To this day, I owe Savior my life, and I never knew what kind of life a lot of dogs lived out in the city. the sights were gorgeous, the people were nice, well most of them, but most importantly, the food was endless. I'll always miss the family I had at the farm, but I'll never leave my life with Savior.

"Vargo!!! Mate!! The sausage house closes in thirty minutes!"

Not to mention, the sausages, mhmmmm.

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