Myers OG (fluff)

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You didn't know much about The Shape.  But a troubled Laurie Strode who lived a few houses away from you wouldn't stop her mad raving about The Shape.  He was "coming for her. He was pure evil." You knew that Laurie wasn't a liar,  all of high school and the classes you've had together she was honest well put together and dependable.  So when the onslaught of Halloween night happen and suddenly she was a raving mad man you knew it was no joke.  Your nights out were immediately revoked by your parents (not that you went out any way) and you were now being forced to carry around pepper spray.  The one night you wanted to go out you decided to ask your parents.  There was a double feature down at your local movie theater. The Blob and The Fly a sci-fi double feature of schlocky classic goodness.  Something fun and stupid to take your mind off of the brutal killings of your class mates.  To say they were pissed you'd even ask to go out was an understatement.  No friend to go with no car to drive there.  No way.  As much as sneaking out had given you the ick with all of the commotion happening in town, you couldn't pass up the sci-fi double feature night.  Sneaking out it was then.  You decided to "go to bed early" not uncommon for you, so you could be left undisturbed with your tales from the crypt comics and larger than life imagination.  You grabbed your bag stuffing in the essentials.  Your wallet a few comics and a flashlight.  You quietly snuck out through your bedroom window on the first floor and tip toed through the yard, hoping the fence to your neighbors to sneak out onto the main road.  If you cut through the cemetery you can make it to the theater before the first trailer even starts to play.  It was only 8pm so you didn't even need your flashlight.  Everything seemed to be in your favor.  You couldn't help but reflect on how dumb it was to sneak out of all times now especially with everything going on and the killer better known as The Shape still loose now. Stupid idea it's like the beginning to one of your stupid comics.  Teen sneaks out during murderer at large winds up dead.  You thought of turning around now and heading back home but when you looked up you were already at the cemetery exit leading right to the center of town.  You felt sick almost like you were being stared down.  Instincts told you to run but you chalked it up to nerves and overthinking.  Rather being safe than sorry you turned around to give the cemetery a scan.  Not a single soul was in sight.  The sooner you get to Main Street the less likely someone will be to attack you.  Despite it being a hard time in the town it was a Friday night and everyone was out.  You felt better walking into the warm lobby of the theater and the smell of buttered popcorn hitting your nose.
"One for the double feature and a large popcorn please." You said chipper to a fellow student working the ticket booth
"You actually watch these movies?  They seem pretty lame"
"Oh there fun.  Kind of like a comic book but less reading."
You got a chuckle out of the young boy and grabbed you big bucket of warm yummy comfort.
Walking into the theater no one was in there...perfect. Middle row middle seat best spot there is.  It was like the whole movie theater was just for you. Plopping your bag at your feet making a make shift foot rest you leaned back placing your popcorn on your lap.  Enjoying the ambiance of an empty theater until you heard the door open behind you and someone else shuffle in.  Avoiding eye contact is a specialty of yours but looking behind you to see who was there was way to awkward for you to even attempt.  The shuffling came closer and closer until from the corner of your eye you saw a large figure shimmy it's way down the isle closer to you.  You turned to see a man in a dark jumpsuit sit two seats away from you.  He must of just gotten out of work and decided to see a flick.  It was too dark to make out a face and see if it was someone from town you knew.  Ignoring it you ate some popcorn while the lights dimmed completely and the projector lights filled the room and lit the screen.  You saw the man shift in his seat almost as if he were uncomfortable.  You didn't want to stare too long so you went back eyes glued to the screen.  Until you heard the sound of stiff rubber hitting the ground.  You looked down a mask was there.  A mask very similar to the description Laurie had made about The Shape. Something in you screamed get up now and move, get out of this movie theater now and you wanted to listen so bad.  But you were frozen terrified that this really was The Shape or if you had worked yourself up this much.  The man got up and your stomach dropped this is it this is definitely the end your a dead man.  You don't know why but you kept looking ahead.  You don't want to see it coming when he gets you like the others.  Instead of a sharp stab to the neck or chest a hand reached out holding a box of snowdrops.  You look up only seeing the shadow of this man.  No eyes no nose no mouth.  Just a shape of a man.  You took some accepting his offer and extended the popcorn to him.  He sat down directly next to you and grabbed a handful.  The silent agreement of snacking and movie watching was oddly comforting.  You whispered to him
"My names (y/n)"
And a quiet raspy voice answered back
"I'm Michale."
For awhile the two of you blissfully watched the movie enjoying the snacks and schlocky sci-fi goodness. The he leaned over to you and whispered again.
"Your not like the other girls in this town"
"How do?"
"I've never met a girl who likes sci-fi horror movies and shared snacks with strangers."
"We'll I've never met a boy who like to offer snacks to strangers."
He chuckled lightly and placed an arm around your shoulder.  Your mind kept wondering what was happening? What was up with the mask? And why haven't you heard of this Michale before?
"Hey Michale of you don't mind me asking.  What's up with the mask?"
He was oddly silent and then somberly spoke
"It hides my ugly."
It broke you to hear that.  No matter the state of anyones appearance they shouldn't feel like they need to hide their face.
"Your not ugly Michale. Don't talk about yourself that way."
He went quiet again placing his head on your shoulder.  You could feel a quiver in his body.  Did he just shake or is he crying.  You don't want to pry further as you had just met so you settled on placing your hand on his thigh and gently patting it.  Signaling it's ok.  He took a hold of your hand and kept it there for the remainder of the first movie. When the credits began to roll he stood up, picking the mask off the floor. He looked at you and spoke slightly muffled from the mask being placed back on.
"I'll see you again (y/n) you should get home as fast as you can.  There is a killer loose in this town you know." And he left.
You sat there stunned in the dark waiting for the next picture to turn on.  2min became 5 and 5 became 10.  Something seemed very off.  The lights weren't even coming on.  So you grabbed your bag and pulled out the flash light hoping to get out and grab an attendant to start the next film.  The moment you did you realized your massive mistake.  The floor had bloodied foot prints leading right to where Michale was sitting and leaving that spot.  Not only that but your bucket had bloody hand prints on it along with your sleeve and hand that Michale had grabbed. Too stunned to scream you picked up pace and ran to get the attendant.  Only to see your fellow student had been face fist pushed into the ticket booth glass neck split wide open and crimson liquid pouring all of the fixture and floor.  You tried to see if there was a telephone to dial 911 but you couldn't see one.  So you did the next logical thing ran to the street and screamed bloody murder until someone came running to you.  One thing is for sure.  You will never forget this night ever, but why did Michale spare you and why did he talk to you?

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