Codex: The Imperial Federation

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A unique combination of a parliamentary democracy and a monarchy, the Imperial Federation is the uncontested superpower of the Milky Way, reuniting under its banner the entirety of the civilized species with a complex and efficient representative system. While the nation per se was created by the Humans in 1938, when they were not even dreaming of traveling the stars, after the Reaper War the Federation was the only nation that managed to withstand the onslaught of the ancient machines, retaining much of its military and economic strength. The current Empress, Benedetta IV, ascended to the throne immediately after the war and worked relentlessly to unite all the species of the Citadel, who were in desperate need of economic help and some were even on the brink of extinction.

Today, the Imperial Federation is composed of many sub-nations that act more or less like autonomous vassals:

Asari Republics.

Salarian Union.

Turian Hierarchy.

Krogan Clans.

Batarian Protectorate.

Hanar Primacy (including the Drell population).

Elcor Assembly.

Volus Council Board.

The components of the Federation all send a representative at the Imperial Council on the Citadel, which is presided by the current monarch. Since Benedetta is still the first to rule over this expanded Federation, most species are actually concerned that the Humans will one day use the Federation to seize total dominance of the Milky Way, and a debate is going on from decades about the succession.

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