Systems Alliance

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During the reign of Federico XX, not every Human was happy with the idea of having a monarchy, especially many who had lived under various republics before the unification of Earth. Rather than risking a fracture inside the Federation, Federico heavily sponsored a mass migration on the continental planet of Phoenixia, in the Attican Traverse, where the Republicans received a massive financial support and in 2078 they were able to found the Systems Alliance.

Because of this cooperation, the relations between the Federation and the Alliance were incredibly close, as the two pretty much operated as two separate entities of the same nation, sharing a common economic area, cooperating in military and diplomatic affairs and even keeping a common ambassador on the Citadel.

During the Reaper War, Phoenixia was conquered by the Reapers and the forces of the Alliance, almost decapitated of their command structure, joined the forces of the Federation.

After the War, the various republics decided to join the Federation as integrated systems, but with large autonomy. Benedetta decided to keep the name 'Systems Alliance' as it didn't refer to any species in particular and was judged neutral enough to become the name of the new multi-species armed forces of the Federation. Though the formal name is 'Imperial-Federal Armed Forces', Systems Alliance is still the favored term for public relations.


Previously, the Alliance didn't exactly have this branch, as its doctrine revolved around mobility and control of key points by the Marines, who were more of a sub-branch of the Navy.

With the restructuring of the Imperial Federation, and the integration of countless soldiers and vehicles for ground wars, especially Turian and Krogan, it became necessary to institute this branch.

The Army is responsible for all matters regarding the conquest of a planet's surface and engaging large enemy formations on solid ground. While the Turians definitely represent the largest percentage, the various kinds of units tend to be made up of a single species, for logistical necessities.

Line Divisions

The frontline units that take the brunt of the fight in an attrition battle. All of them are made up by Turians or Krogans, as the other species have a volunteer recruiting system that doesn't allow them to replace manpower that quickly and efficiently. Despite being the 'cannon fodder', these divisions are entirely mechanized and have support battalions for every necessity: tanks, gunships, artillery, field hospitals, logistics. While these supports make them extremely durable, there are still situations where they require specialized divisions.

 While these supports make them extremely durable, there are still situations where they require specialized divisions

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Armored Divisions

Usually made up of Humans or Turians, these units employ heavy mechs like the Atlas and old-fashioned tanks to strike rapidly at enemy fortifications and cut deep into enemy territory. They are accompanied by two battalions of armored infantry and a battalion each of self-propelled artillery and anti-air vehicles for a moderate air cover, though they usually cooperate with the Army Air Force to provide air superiority.

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