Constituent States

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The Constituent States are integral entities of the Federation, and most of them are the previous institutions that represented the various species of the Milky Way that originated inside the Citadel Space. The concept in itself was born at the beginning of the history of the Federation on Earth, but as the planet itself and the core colonies of humanity became increasingly integrated, they became more commonly known as regions. This name has seen a revival after the Reaper War when the other galactic governments decided to unite under the banner of the Federation.

In order to become a Constituent State, an interstellar nation must satisfy a number of prerequisites. They must have a diversified and relatively sane economy, as every Constituent is expected to provide some kind of resource that is worth the investment. Such state must also have laws that protect the universal rights of sentient beings. The Federation actually doesn't need a state to have a democratic dynamic of power, so long as the universal rights are upheld.

Over the years, the Empress had made sure to build a system of checks and balances between the Constituent States, to make sure that every one of them, even her own people, would be relying on the others for at least one or more strategic areas, ensuring that all States have an interest to support the Federation as a whole.


A Constituent State must contribute to a common 'chest', a financial fund administrated by the monarch and the Parliament, usually to kick-start the development of new colonies or to provide emergency relief in case of territories hit by natural disasters or an armed aggression that proved particularly destructive. Of course, it also funds the Systems Alliance. The contribution is negotiated every December, though it usually revolves around 3 or 5% of the GDP.

The Constituent States are also not allowed to have a large standing army, and every warship capable of interstellar travel is destined to the Systems Alliance.

List of States

Aside from the core Human territories, the Imperial Federation is made up as follows:

Turian Hierarchy

By many, the Turians are considered almost on par with the Humans in terms of influence inside the Federation. During the Reaper War, the Federation was able to provide the immense Turian fleet with the weapons necessary to defeat the Reapers, thus managing to save many of Palaven's infrastructures.

As such, the Turians held up their martial tradition and they have pledged their military-industrial complex to the Federation. They made up 60% of all active Systems Alliance personnel and currently the Chief of Staff of the Alliance, Marshall Liminix Tentecari, is a Turian.

The relationship between the Turian and the Federation goes back to the days of the First Covenant War. The Humans had always been grateful to the Turian for bringing the Covenant invasion of Earth to the attention of the Council and making the bulk of the Council's fleet that came to rescue Earth. For their part, the Turians admire the incredible resilience of the Humans, and with the Federation having a strong military tradition, the two states already had a close cooperation in many strategic fields. After the War, the Federation has also extended the Legionnaire Program to the other species, with the Turians being among the first to volunteer.

Asari Republics

After the Reaper War, the Asari lost a lot of influence, as their illegal detention of Prothean technology was uncovered and they lost their technological primacy. However, after then-Princess Benedetta committed the Imperial Navy to the evacuation of Thessia during the Reaper War, saving hundreds of thousands of Asari civilians and Matriarchs, they have sworn to make up for their egoism, and they still had many talents to offer, such as in diplomacy.

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