Chapter 7

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Camille is very good at doing flashbacks-

Allumos's pov

I sighed, as I was more or less politely kicked out. Of my own home. Again.

Of course, I understood, Bri, Ronin, and Lo'pho all needed their space, to Jericho. It still didn't feel good, getting kicked out of my own home, which I had only recently finished building.

"Mr Allumos?"

I looked up, snapping out of my thoughts,and finding Mario standing in front of me. He looked nervous.

"Ah, sorry, did you need something Mario?" I asked, forcing a calm smile on his face. He shuffled his feet.

"Mr Inpu and Angel sent me to get you. they said that a merchant is asking for the lord." He said. I blinked.

"A merchant?"

"A-at the town square! The one Jericho's been working on for months!" He said, bouncing on his heels a bit, seeming excited. I blinked again.

Right,Jericho had been working on fixing the town square, hoping to get Merchants to come back to town, to build the town's reputation back.

"Wait, really? There's actually a merchant?" I asked, grinning, before my brain registered the last part of Mario's statement.

"Wait, but we don't have a lord." I said, frowning. "Why the hell would they ask me..."

Mario shuffled his feet again.

"U-u-uhm.. I- they just said they needed you... sorry.." he mumbled, sniffing. I saw him quickly try to blink away tears. I sighed, and ruffled his hair.

"It's okay Mario, don't worry. You haven't done anything wrong." I said, smiling reassuringly at him. He sniffed, and looked back up at me, nodding slightly.


"Allumos! There you are."

I blinked, as Angel grabbed my hand, and led me towards the square. Inpu followed us, Artemis sitting on his shoulders.

Artemis shrieked in delight when he saw me, and I smiled, and waved at him with my free hand, before focusing back on Angel.

"Hold on, I have a few questions first." I said, gently pulling my hand free. Angel looked at me, confused.

"About what?" They asked, tilting xeir head.

"Mario said the merchant wanted to talk to the lord. We don't have a lord." I said. Angel blinked again, before glancing at his husband.

"Oh... I guess Ronin never got the chance to talk to you.." he said, rubbing his neck, before glancing over his shoulder. "Kaiba's distracting the merchant. Let's make this quick, we can do an official thing later." They said.

I blinked. "Uh.. what?"

"Allumos. Ever since you arrived, the town has been healing, we have grown closer, grown greater as a community. You've helped us so much, and we can't thank you enough." Angel started. Inpu walked up to stand by his spouse, who took Artemis from him.

"And.. well...most of us already see you as our lord." Inpu said, smiling at me. I blinked

"I? You. Want me to be your lord?" I asked, taking a step back. Inpu nodded.

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