Chapter 5

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He walked closer putting his cold hand on my cheek making sure he wasn't hallucinating. I was really there. Do you know I was there just by feeling my cheek. He put his other hand around me touching my other hip he pulled me close and kissed me. His lips were soft and unable to get over. They tasted like adventure and magic if it was a flavour and had extra taste. He let go of me and stop kissing me letting my lips free. He started blushing uncontrollably and his face started going red but he wasn't blushing, I think he was horny. He obviously didn't want me to leave he wanted me to stay.
He looked down at the floor looking confused on why he was going red. Soft lips, blue eyes, brown hair and the most hottest outfit you can think of. That's everything that described him he looked back at me with caring eyes. His smile is so beautiful I couldn't stop but blush a bit. I think he saw it. He had the most beautiful voice like an angel talking from above from the gateway of heaven. I ran towards him hugging him tightly. My grip only got harder and was not letting Peter go like he was a magnet. I eventually let go and took a few steps back realising the hug I just gave him. My face starts blushing.
"Eva? Are you?" Peter asks.
"Yes I am thanks," I smile.
I turned around and started walking to the door. I put my hand on the handle and I felt someone pulling me away. It was Peter not wanting me to leave. I promised Felix I would visit him but I guess I would have to do it tomorrow night since Peter didn't want me to leave. I pushed him off me and he fell on the floor. I walked past him like he didn't even exist he gave me a flirty look like I was his type. I know I was single but he wasn't my type a few kisses didn't mean I was dating him.
He wouldn't stop giving me the locks so I eventually had enough. All the shit this bastard put me through I couldn't deal with looking at him. The pain of looking at him only got worse it didn't get better by any bit. I walked back over to the bed and I lifted the covers up. I climbed into the bed and putting the covers over me turning over to face the wall and closed my eyes. I could feel someone climbing into the bed next to me but I didn't want to look on who it was. The hands were warm and the body heat was like a turned on radiator.
I felt comfortable, comfortable enough to fall asleep right there and then in that bed. Was I really sleeping with a radiator? I remember that touch it was Peter I didn't have to look I already knew who it was. But something felt off like that also felt like raw skin. I put my hand on his torso and he was shirtless! I couldn't believe what he already did to terrify me I wasn't allowed to sleep with someone shirtless. But I guess I better break the rules or I will be so innocent for the rest of my life.
I put my hand underneath the pillow closing my eyes once again. Now both of Peters hands were around me his body heat only got hotter. It felt like I was sleeping with two turned on radiators that were on both sides of my body. I eventually fell asleep and woke up when the light hit the sky.
I sat up rubbing my eyes making sure I wasn't dreaming. The air was hot but this time no one was surrounding me Peter was once again not in the bed. I got up quickly getting dressed again into some clean clothes. I put on my trainers once dressed and I stepped out the door. I walked into the camp and no one was there except for Peter sitting on a log all alone. Why was he alone he's never alone. When he's sitting at camp he always has the lost boys with him it's like they all disappeared in one night. This felt very strange like he killed all the lost boys but I know he didn't he's such an innocent man now.
I walked over to him sitting on the same log but next to him. His head was still facing down but his eyes looked up at my face. His eyes turned quickly back down to the floor knowing I was already there. He sat up he moved his arm around me pulling me closer. He finally had a shirt on which was surprising. Peter once again looked at me but this time he gave a sigh. I was shocked Peter is never upset about anything and I thought Peter never loses. I guess I was wrong this time I know I was just by the look on his face.
"Peter, why are you so sad?" I ask.
"So, your a virgin? I can't love a virgin but I can if I take it," he smiles.
"Then take it, if I can't love you then take it," I say.
He is left in shock we decide to leave Neverland never come back run to somewhere else and be happy for the rest of our lives. We land on a different island where there are cities and houses and his family lives there so we decide to live there with them. His family except me which is very good and I am very happy that they do. I am now living a very happy life with my husband Peter Pan I am Eva Pan. No kids, I can't have kids which is very sad because we do want kids in the future but we can't have kids right now so we need a surrogate. We'll find one eventually. My life is turned to hell to heaven.

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