Trick or Trip?

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Tianna (pov)

Huhh.. Everything I want.. becomes your duty!! I mimic him. whatever!! "you know I can hear you and clearly see you Right?" he says casually, startling me.. I keep a hand on my heart and give him a pointed look.

He stares back as if he didn't just give me a mini heart attack. He got a call an hour ago and he didn't receive it here, but went outside on his balcony to talk to the mystery caller.. for a good 20 minutes I was in a dilemma whether I should eavesdrop or just mind my own business... finally afraid of the consequences of me getting caught and him again turning into angry wolf man.. I chose the latter.

Now after an hour he comes back.. looking angry.. oh noo.. I turn back trying to look busy in my work. he also doesn't speak to me after that.

This silence continues till the afternoon until.. again there comes a call... again he takes the mobile and goes straight to the balcony. What is it with all the secrecy?? Is it another murder? Or A secret girlfriend? Like a normal person? It must be the first.. ughh how am I so casual about death and murder.. its all because of this man.

He returns and is walking straight to my table. I pick and fumble with a file and start reading it trying to look busy... "Tianna.. I have to go to Russia tomorrow morning." He speaks standing near my table. Russia? Tomorrow morning? That means he will be away? Right? Away from Mr Boss for a few days!!!! hurray!!! Firecrackers bursting all around!!! "Tianna!!!" he literally yells my name to wake me up from my over enthusiastic thoughts. "YES!" I shout in response. See.. over enthusiastic mind. He gives me a weird look. I grin, embarrassed "yeah... my private jet will not be prepared in such a short notice. So just book 2 tickets of business class in any flight available for tomorrow morning."

Yes yes yes!!! Wait a minute... did he say.. 2 tickets? "Uhmm Sir.. sorry.. how many bookings?" I ask. He rolls his eyes at me, clearly irritated at my lack of concentration. "2 tickets Tianna! Can you for once concentrate on your work!" he glares at me... puff as if I will get scared.. I have seen worse Mr.

I smile which irritates him more. "2 as in? You and... Miss Cindy right?" I start looking for the available flights next morning. There is silence.. no response from him, makes my head turn up and look at him.. and I see him smirking.. why is he smil... NO... no right?? My eyes bulge at the thought..and he answers "No Darling.." he crosses my table and stands behind my chair.

I am silently praying for my thoughts to not be true. He leans down from behind my chair, his hands touch my hair strands that are falling on my face, he slowly tucks them behind my ear. I shiver from his slight touch. But I don't turn.. I can't.. I don't know what to expect if I turned.. I feel him leaning more into me.. so much that his face is literally on my right shoulder. His both hands now holding the chair arms for support, completely covering my space.

He whispers into my ear " No Darling.. 2 as in Me and You.." NOOO!! I see my Firecrackers drowning into the water.. "What!!" I turn totally forgetting about him, and my forehead hits his head.. "ouchhh!!!" "Fuckk!!" we both cry out respectively. He backs off, now annoyed that I hit his head.. well I don't give a flying fuck.. he just spoiled the fireworks, inside my head.

" But sir why do I have to come!? I mean.. when there is Miss Cindy... then why me?" I try to take my chances in convincing him to change his decision. "Then why have I hired you? I mean, You can just fuck off from here Hmm?" he bites back making me shut my mouth. Rude. Huh..

"Now get back to your work. and book the tickets correctly." He says and leaves the room.

Karlton (pov)

Damn! What is her head made of!? I caress the spot where her iron head bumped mine.

I hope this doesn't swell.. if it does, how will I face my Men tomorrow for the meeting. Fuckk! This girl and the chaos she causes in my life and mind. I wanted a woman with me for this trip. we are questioning few girls who saw Raze's men take those other girls who are dead.. all thanks to that motherfucker.

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