Chapter 5

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Daisy pov

We were in the briefing room when Percy appeared out of the shadows next to me and collapsed. "crap!" I shout "Sorry about that", he says "never will get used to shadow travel" he says stumbling while getting up I steady him and reply "I'll never get used to it" "why you?" He asks "it scares the crap out of me. I was wondering where you had gone to"

"We'll team" Coulson says "Terragen crystals have been located just outside Puerto Rico"

"Wait like near the 'city' I thought we destroyed it" Daisy says "we did," Coulson reports "but it turns out a dealer is selling them and we have to get our hands on them before anyone else".

-Time skip-

Our extraction team consisted of me, Percy, Mack and Fitz. Percy and I were the traders; Fitz was covering with the dwarves and Mack had video surveillance hacked.

Our guy came in with a limo stepped out, he had a crew cut a mild tan and was muscled enough to arm wrestle an average fully grown man and win easy. He comes over and shows us the case twelve crystals and we show him the two million dollars.

Everything goes south Quickly. A man with a flame metal link whip runs into the warehouse and ties it around the seller. Drags him off and does who knows what, his men are still there and have guns out. I hand Percy the case and fire vibrations at them shaking the guns apart. Percy puts the case down and bends the water from the pier it wraps around the guys and throw them against the wall knocking them unconscious.

Percy pov

Before he gets fully knocked out one of the men pulls out a trigger and presses it. The case starts beeping "Run!" I yell, Daisy does just that and sprints away. I run towards the bomb covering it with my body.

I hear a small bang and the case open and a cracking sound like glass shattering. Daisy comes back "must've been a dud" I say "pretty heroic what you did though" "I don't know about that" then I feel a weird sensation starting at my arm I see a cut and my arm is slowly turning to rock.

"Oh no " I mutter "come on we got to get back to base" she says "not for me this time" I say quietly "what are you talking about...oh crap crap CRAP!" As she sees my arm the speed in which I'm turning to stone speeds up.

I can't move now my legs or torso now it's now climbing up my chest. Maybe my demigod metabolism has something to do with it. "Well I know we have only known each other for a few months, I just wanted to say thanks, for everything you helped me regain my sanity, my life was a complete wreck before shield but you guys gave me purpose". The clay was now up to my neck.

"And for the first time in a while, I actually felt whole and it was while I was with you. I l.." And the clay consumed me.

Daisy pov

"I l..." He says before he gets covered completely. I know what he was going to say I've heard it only a few times in my short life.

I cried in front of his frozen figure. Mack and Fitz came in and saw me, they came over Mack pulled me into a hug while Fitz observed Percy's form tears evident in his eyes. I let go of Mack and hug the figure "ugh Daisy you might want to move back" I didn't understand until I looked at the clay figure he was getting cracks in him blue and sea green light coming from them.

We all moved back and cleared the area by five metres. The cocoon then blasted apart Percy's seemingly lifeless body collapsed to the ground I ran forwards and put his head in my lap "Percy, hey Perce you in there"

Percy pov

"Perce You in there" is all I hear as I gain consciousness "yea, maybe" I mumble eyes still closed. "I still don't want to go to school" I mutter as I open my eyes "what happened, exactly?"

"You somehow went through terragenesis " Fitz says quietly "what do you mean somehow" I inquire weakly head still in Daisy's lap "since your already half god we didn't think you'd be able to have alien blood to be activated. It'd mean you'd barely human by like a quarter or two fifths, and it appears that terrgenisis removed all your powers but the ones you were born with, and then increased the strength of those powers by a lot."

"Second question. what are your inhuman powers?" "I guess we'll have to find out" I say Mack and Fitz leave leaving me and Her to ourselves I pull my head out of her lap and she pulls the big question "what were you going to say when you were about to go through terragenesis" " I have uhh... no idea what you're talking about" I answer "yes you do" she says " "ok then I was going to say I loved you".

What she did next surprised me. kissed me. I put my arms around her waist and she put hers around my neck. I pulled her closer we kissed for a bit more the pulled back.

"so what does this make us" I ask hoping the answer I'm thinking "this makes you my boyfriend" she says. She helps me up as I'm still weak from the terragenesis transformation.

I felt weird on the inside as if a million bugs were in my skin and my stomach felt like I'd gone on a roller coaster. I told Daisy I felt weird and she just told me its normal after the transformation.

Once we got back to the base I told Daisy I was going to my room to go to sleep. She gave me a kiss and said I should go sleep. I did exactly that but something happened. I pictured a pack of timber wolves why? Because they're my favourite animal.

I felt extreme pain and blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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