Chapter 3

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Percy POV

"Percy You in there" is all I hear as I gain consciousness "yea, maybe" I mumble eyes still closed. "I still don't want to go to school" I mutter as I open my eyes "what happened, exactly?"

"You somehow went through terragenesis " Fitz says quietly "what do you mean somehow" I inquire weakly head still in Skye's lap "since you're already half god we didn't think you'd be able to have alien blood to be activated. It'd mean you'd barely human by like a quarter or two fifths"

"Second question. what are your powers?" "I guess we'll have to find out" I say Mack and Fitz leave leaving me and Her to ourselves I pull my head out of her lap and she pulls the big question "what were you going to say when you were about to go through terragenesis" " I have uhh... no idea what you're talking about" I answer "yes you do" she says " "ok then I was going to say I loved you".

What she did next surprised me.she kissed me. I put my arms around her waist and she put hers around my neck. I pulled her closer and we kissed for a bit more then pulled back.

"So what does this make us" I ask hoping the answer I'm thinking is "this makes you my boyfriend" she says. She helps me up as I'm still weak from the terragenesis transformation.

I felt weird on the inside as if a million bugs were in my skin and my stomach felt like I'd gone on a roller coaster. I told Skye I felt weird and she just told me it's normal after the transformation.

Once we got back to the base I told Skye I was going to my room to go to sleep. She gave me a kiss and said I should go sleep. I did exactly that but something happened. I pictured a pack of timber wolves. Why? Because they're my favourite animal.

I felt extreme pain and blacked out.

Phil POV

I saw everyone around either in the labs, training or strategising. But one person wasn't I hadn't seen, Percy I hadn't seen him this morning. I called Daisy up to the office and asked her where he was.

"I don't know," she answers" I haven't seen him since last night when... Oh no" "what is it?" I ask "he said he didn't feel good after the terragenesis happened", she says "then he went to go to sleep" "find him now" I say.

She runs off to find Percy as I check the security cameras. I set back the recording to nine last night. I see Percy arch his body in pain as he grimaces and pulls the sheets over his head.

I hear Daisy shout and run towards Percy's room holding an ICER.

Daisy POV

As I ran towards Percy's room I hoped he had control of himself. I opened the door and walked towards his bed and ask "hey Percy you ok?" I hear a soft whimper and the sheets move.

I take the sheets off slowly and yelp/shout at what I see a black wolf with sea green eyes. The wolf whimpers and softly growls and leaps out of the bed. It pads around for a second sniffing the ground ... And me. "Percy is that you" the wolf bows its head "so that's your power... Turning into a wolf?".

Coulson arrives at the door with an ICER and points it at the wolf "Coulson don't! Its Percy" I shout. "Wait what?" He says "I think Percy finally used his power, either in his sleep or before he fell asleep".

Percy then goes in a circle around me and Phil sniffing our feet he then jumps up and licks my face "Percy!" He howls in delight and tackles me to the floor still licking my face.

After he finishes annoying me he trots out of the room and goes toward the break room. I hear a shout and a crash and run towards it, seeing Percy getting chased by Mack. "Stop chasing Percy, Mack" Coulson so subtly gives it away "Percy?!" He questions "his powers manifested during the night".

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