Deleted Scenes: "Epilogue" (Draft 2)

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The tear in reality having been mended, there was time again. The sun was setting over the old stone and glass buildings across the street. The summer sky was hazy, but the strangely colored clouds had faded. The windows were open, the fan overhead stirring slowly the air that smelt of smog and sweat, of blood and fragrances designed by Calvin Klein. Everything was normal.

Morpheus lay under the fan, preening the feathers of one shining black wing with slender, white fingers. He raised his eyes to the cheval mirror, knowing. He watched his mother step from the glass. She was dressed in black as usual, her eyes also black, a little sad, and very thoughtful. The scent of cinnamon overpowered all others. Morpheus smiled. His mother often looked this way and he was happy to see she had not changed. "Hello, Opium," he said. He rarely called her Mother aloud, though he always did in thought.

His mother sat at the edge of the bed. She did not look at Morpheus. Instead, she looked at the row of tall windows, then through the translucent lavender curtain into the living room. "I went into your room," she said. And then Morpheus thought she might be more sad than usual; it was hard for her to finish. "All your things were gone," she said.

"Mother," said Morpheus.

"Sorry," she said, and laughed. She silenced herself abruptly. Opium's laughs often became uncontrollable things. She had often said to him, those times she had tried being the one to tell stories, "When I was young, I lived in the place where there are stone circles. The people there feared my laugh as they feared death."

Morpheus liked her silly stories. He liked everything about his mother. "So, this is your new home?"

Morpheus looked through the pale, purple curtains. The elevator was opening up, and Morpheus couldn't help but smile, when he saw the familiar face bowing into the living room, as if he might actually bump his head on the door. "Yes," Morpheus said, "at least until Julien decides to go back to Karachi; he's still got the villa there."

Julien was standing just the other side of the curtain, dropping shopping bags to the floor. "Smells like Opium's arrived early," he said. He parted the gauzy curtain and stepped through, all hair, eyes, flushed skin, and fangs.

Julien bowed to kiss Morpheus and then the three of them were on the bed: Vampyre, Halfangel, and her almost perfect son. Julien lifted Morpheus by the shoulders, let him down only when he had scooted along the mattress, so that Morpheus lay half in his lap. "I'm in love with your son, Opi," he said, kissed Morpheus, then spoke to her again, "I don't mind you coming early, really."

One corner of Morpheus' mouth lifted in a wicked smile. "Stop," he said quietly. He didn't like Julien teasing his mother.

"Well if I'd come any later, seems I'd be walking in on the two of you, again," Opium said quickly.

"Seems you do that to people a lot."

"Must like it."

Morpheus lifted fingers to Julien's lips to stop them squabbling. They liked each other, really. Maybe, Mother was a little unhappy, knowing Morpheus wouldn't be her constant companion any longer. "Opium, will be fine, I'll call you every day."

Julien sighed. "Isn't it strange?" he asked as he pet Morpheus' face, "never aging, I mean."

"Only strange if you ever did age," Opium said.

Julien nodded. "But I think it's a bit odd...that people can have children who look the same age they do, or older. I think it's strange never aging."

"May I ask after Athen, Julien?" Opium asked.

He looked up quickly, paused, then, "What is it you want to know?"

"He come out of it OK? I guessed you would know."

"He's not too well, but Faye's taking care of him. He's always loved her." Julien sighed deeply, traced the chain that connected Morpheus' nosering and earring absently with his fingers. "How was she?"

"She's all right," Opium said knowing there could be only one Julien was asking about, "You don't have to worry about her anymore."

Morpheus squeezed Julien's hand, found himself lifted and held close to Julien's chest. He closed his eyes. And, breathing in the smell of Eternity, he thought to himself: Genius marketing, Jule's the expert, but I know it's got to be genius marketing. Morpheus just knew Julien would be with him forever.

Opium left them. Morpheus watched her walk through the curtain. Julien touched fingers to Morpheus' jaw to turn his face, kissed him.

His mother let in the first guests. And only when the music was drown out by the murmur of the crowd did Morpheus let Julien lead him from the bedroom.

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