Insecure|| Todobaku

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Fem! Bakugo

Katsuki looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. Katsuki was stunning but she could never see it :(

My boobs are so big, they make me look fat. People only like me for my cup size. She thought to herself.
All these voices in her head started frustrating her and she just lost it.
She started trashing every thing in her room. She dragged her bed sheets off, pulled off her fairy lights, ripped all the posters in her room and started throwin all the clothes in her wardrobe everywhere. She looked in the mirror and hated what she saw. She was getting angrier and angrier at what she saw in the mirror and just punched the mirror causing the glass to shatter everywhere and a big piece cut deep into her perfect skin.

She slouched down and broke down into angry tears. I hate this, I hate me, I hate how I look and I just hate everything. She thought to herself.

"Suki, you in there?" a deep voice said from outside.

"Just fucking leave me alone." the girl replied in angry tears.

"I'm coming in baby." the boy said as he walked in to see his lover on the floor bleeding while her room was a mess.

"What the hell happened in here?" Todoroki asked in a worried tone.

The poor lady could barely speak she just broke down into more tears.

"Breathe baby~" The boy said in an attempt to calm his crying girlfriend.

Katsukis breathing leveled and she was able to say "I hate how I look.."

Todoroki went wide eyed and said "Why your gorgeous and so many girls would die to look like you!"

The girl huffed. "They wouldn't want to look like me th-they just want boobs like mine!"

The dual haired boy didn't know how to reply but he ended up replying by saying "You're the most beautiful girl in the world and dont let those stupid voices in your head tell you otherwise."

The blonde's cries turned into sniffles "Do you mean it or you're just saying that to make me feel better?"

"I mean it!" The boy exclaimed

Katsuki giggled. Todoroki wiped the small girls tears away and planted loads of kisses on her face.
"Gah! Todo stopppp!!!" The blonde whined.
"Make me." He replied and kept planting kisses on her face.
When todoroki stopped to catch his breath the blonde took this as a chance to get revenge and started planting kisses all over Todoroki's face.
"A-Ah babe stoppp!" The boy complained
"Nope payback!" The blonde replied
After their little war Todoroki suggested they fix the place up
"I'll order you some new fairy lights and mirror but for now pick up those clothes and make your bed." Todoroki said
The blonde agreed and did as told afterwards her and Todoroki bought some new room decor and replaced the mirror she broke in anger. Since the package only came in two weeks she and her boyfriend decided to look for new pictures to print and then stick as posters.
"Sorry for causing you all this trouble Todo..." the blonde muttered loud enough for her lover to hear.
"It's all good…atleast we sorted your issue"
She giggled slightly
Her and her boyfriend spent the next hour cuddling eachother and telling stupid stories about stupid situations. Todoroki ended up sleeping in Katsukis dorm and they stayed up watching romace movies together.

Todoroki made sure to keep complimenting his girlfriend every once in a while to make sure she never ever felt insecure with him.

600 words not including this!!
I just wanna note this is my first time ever writing stuff like this so please leave tips for me to get better! Leave requests on what I should do next! You can put the ship you want and a scenario 😙
Ciao 💕😍

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