High (Serobaku)

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 Switched Personality with Bakugo and Izuku

Bakugo was in love. Obsessed even for a particular green head bully of his.

He had photos of Izuku on his phone even on his home screen. He was like a 5yr obsessing over Justin Bieber.

"I love you Ochaco"
We're the words that shattered his heart into a million pieces.

Bakusquad GC:

kittykatsuki was removed

babyshark: Will kats be okay??

queen: i don't think so

queen: he's down bad for Izuku

dumbashell: yeah, but this prob shattered him.

high: leave it to me, I'll make him feel better.

babyshark: okay..go to his dorm. bye y'all me and todo have a date ❤️

dumbashell: bye kiribro. Mina wanna hang in the meantime?

queen: sure! bye sero and kiri!

high: bye.


Kastuki was on his bed cuddling his all might plushie Izuku got him when they we're kids. He was letting tears flow down his pink cheeks. He had been like that since Izuku confessed to Ochaco to everyone in the common room.


"Come in!" Katsuki managed to say between sniffles.

"Hello Sero-kun" the small boy said.

"Hey Kats. I know you're feeling down but I know a way to make you feel better." the ravenette said smirking.

"R-really?!" katsuki perked up being oblivious as fuck-

"Yup here" Sero passed the boy a cigarette looking thing and a powder that looked a bit like flour or something.

"Flour?" Katsuki asked

"sure, just copy what I do." Sero said as he proceeded to snort that stuff up his nose.

Katsuki copied him and coughed a little but he liked the feeling so he did it again.

"Here" sero passed him something to roll the weed with and smoke it.

Sero and Katsuki were smoking and snorting cocaine up their noises for a while till they decided to vape.

Katsuki was now sitting on Hantas lap starting deep in his eyes then putting a vape by his mouth indicating that he should smoke it. Sero did so then katsuki locked their lips together and said blow. Sero blew the smoke into his mouth and Kastuki puffed it out.

They we're both high as fuck right now and didn't even know what was happening as their vision was blurred.

"I don't know why he chose her." Katsuki said as he snorted more up his nose.

"Listen you're better than her plus you have me now." Sero said.

"Let's get drunk doll. It'll get rid of the pain" Sero said pulling out beers and  whiskey.

"Kay," Kats replied

They drunk, smoked and snorted more coke for what felt like hours.

Kats was so wasted he vomitted so did Sero and they were making out in piles of their own vomit.

They were so down bad wasted that Kats pissed his fucking pants and sero drank his own tears.

"Haha. I feel so happy," Katsuki said slurring his words.

"Same doll,"

"Lets make out," Kats said


They were making out on the floor in piles of vomit.

Izuku walked in.

"Wtf?" Izuku said in shock to his crush and a drug addict making out in vomit with coke on the floor and empty bottles of beer in floor. A couple cigarettes we're trashed everywhere and the room smelt like piss.

"Izuku I did this because of you..I loved you but it's too late hahahaha!" Kats said laughing hysterically.

Izuku just walked out shooketh and sero was just making out with Kats.

Eventually they passed out on the toilet seat.


586 words not including these.
This was inspired by a yt video and when I got wasted at a party and pissed myself and passed out in the bathrooms.

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