Chapter One

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My name is Tessa.
Teresa Evans.

My life, pretty much until now, was like this: moving, making new friends, moving, being alone again, moving, being alone, moving, trying to find myself.

It was hard. I could never really make friends, because i knew i was going to be separated from them shortly after getting to know them. This means no relationships whatsoever. It was also hard to live with someone who was constantly making me feel bad about myself. Someone who only pointed out my flaws. Someone who told me that my existence was useless. That i was nothing.

Unfortunately, that person happened to be my step father.

My mom and i had moved away from him last year. It was one of the biggest changes of my life, i felt so relieved. I was feeling free, no one to tell me to clean up after him, no one to point out my flaws. I was free.

Now, we're moving into our own house. I must say it's more of a villa, if we're looking at its size. Before, we always lived in apartments, except for my childhood, when i lived in a house with my mom and my grandparents. My parents divorced when i was about 3 months old, so i must say: with my father and my step father, i have developed a certain mistrust in man. Daddy issues, attachment issues, trust issues. I earned all of them.

The place is pretty nice, we have a huge kitchen with floor to ceiling windows, a living room with a big ass TV. We have a garden where my mom will plant all of her plants and flowers. We also have a pool. This was a dream of mine: to have a pool and be able to enjoy it whenever i want.
And of course, we have two bedrooms, both of them upstairs: one for my mom, and one for me, as well as two bathrooms and a dressing room for my mom and her never ending clothes and shoes.

"Tessa!! Come down and help me, we still got a few boxes left!"

I sigh.


Oh how I'm tired of this. My back and my hands hurt so much from all this moving. Going to the old apartment, taking things, putting them in the car, getting back here, and doing this again and again...

They should've paid me for this. Why didn't we just hire some movers so they'd bring all of our stuff here and we would just relax and enjoy the new house? I'm sounding like a spoiled kid, please, somebody, help me.

I walk down the stairs and take what i hope to be one of the last boxes and take them upstairs. I make a stop because the box is just as heavy as a pack of 20 water bottles. I'm not used to this kind of workout.

When i finally catch my breath, i continue going up. I put the box on the floor and look around.

What a mess.

I hear my mom coming with some boxes.

"Are these the last ones?"

"Yes. These are the last ones." She says, rolling her eyes.

I go to my room and let myself fall onto the mattress that is on the floor. Gosh, that feels so good. I look around my room. My mattress is in the center of it, with nightstands on each side. My desk is in the left corner. In front of me, but on the left. My closet is on the right, next to a bookshelf.

I love reading. It helps me escape the real world and live some things that i am not living. I particularly like romance. Don't ask me why. I don't know, i guess i just find it comforting, having someone.

I'm starting to get hungry, so I get up and go to the kitchen. I look inside of the fridge: tomato paste and minced meat.

Perfect. I'll make some bolognese pasta. Let's just hope that i find some pasta. I open the boxes that are for the kitchen and i find it: the holy grail. Pasta. I love it so much, because you can make thousands of different things with it: you can make bolognese, carbonara, pasta with spinach, cannelloni, lasagna... Shout out to the Italians.

I love cooking. You can just throw a bunch of ingredients together and you can find a way to make them taste good. You can also invent new recipes and always try something new. I also bake. I love making cookies, big cakes with cream and little desserts. I guess it's one of my ways to romanticise life.

Listening to your favourite music and doing one of your favourite things.


Hey guys!!
I hope you liked this first chapter, and if you have any remarks or questions, just tell me in the comments❤️

love, daniella

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