Chapter Two

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I just finished making the bolognese pasta. I called my mom and told her that dinner is ready, while putting plates on a box. We still haven't built the table, so for now, we need to improvise and eat on cardboard boxes. We sit down on our couch and move the boxes closer to us.

"Oh god, I'm always amazed by how well you cook! This is like the best bolognese pasta of my life!!"

My mom loves to see me cook or bake. When she comes home from work and if I'm bored and have nothing to do, i make dinner. The dish that i make and that is her favourite is the curry chicken. She always begs me to do it. I swear she'd eat it everyday, all day. Okay, maybe i would too. I mean, these spices, combined with the taste of coconut and rice... Makes you feel like you're on an island, eating with native people.

As soon as i put my fork on the plate after finishing my pasta, i hear my phone ring. I take a look: Val is written on my screen. I pick it up and immediately hear Valentina screaming:


"Val, calm down, I swear you're going to make me deaf one day."

"Okay, okay, sorry! But I'm so excited for you!! So tell, me, is there any hot guys in the neighborhood?"

"Well hello, thank you for asking how i am, i am great by the way, my back is in pain and so are my hands but yeah, anyways. Val, did you really thought that the first thing that i was going to do is to look for the guys in my neighborhood?"

"I'm teasing you, ughh. But i still want to see a house tour! So, you better show it to me right away!"

I smile. Valentina is my best friend. She's like a sister to me. We met like one year ago, at the start of summer break, before going to the university, but it already feels like we've known each other for our whole lives.

Valentina is the hot rich girl that everyone would love to have.

Her mom, Monica Torcianni, owns the biggest clothing line in Italy. Monica is a high fashion designer and Valentina often works as a model for her mom's fashion shows. If you want to go to Milano Fashion Week, or know the last fashion trends, just call her and she'll make sure that you get the royal treatment.

I met Valentina by accident.

I was just waiting for my coffee at Starbucks, as usual, and when i went searching for a seat, there were no more places, just an armchair, next to her. I asked her if the place was taken and she immediately smiled, and invited me to sit. Then she told me that she loved my outfit and asked me what coffee I took. We were surprised when we found out that we both ordered the same thing. We then started talking about fashion and our hobbies, and we found out that we both like similar things.

She reads books, and so do I. She bakes and so do I. We listen to the same music artists and love fashion. We both love animals, and she has a cat. Mittens. He is a gorgeous white fluffy Siberian cat with big blue eyes. Later on, we also found out that we'll be integrating the same university.

As i take pictures on my camera really often, she asked me if it was possible to make a photoshoot for her. I said sure, and just like that, we started meeting almost every second day.

After 2 weeks of knowing each other, she knew more things about me than any other person that i could've known for a few years.

She is really caring, passionate about her hobbies, always ready to help and she will always listen to everything you have to say, without judging you. She knows everything about me, and she has seen me at my worst.

She is like an angel. Always here to protect me.

I begin to show her around the house. When my mom gets in sight, Val says as usual:

"Good evening, Ms Evans! How was the moving? Not to tired, I hope?"

"Hello darling! No, it's okay, it's bearable, but not for Tessa, she is literally dying. Tell Monica hi from me!"

I look at my mom and shake my head while smiling. She's like this cool mom that you see in the movies, she would go to a rave with you and even drink with you.

As i begin showing my room to Valentina, she tells me:

"Okay, you need to give me your new address. I will come to your house as soon as i can so we can decorate your room. Because i know you. If i don't get here, it will stay like that for a month."

I laugh. "Okay, okay, i assume i would do better with some help, especially from your part."

We both laugh at these words and then i continue showing her the house. When I'm finally done, she suggests:

"Do you want to go shopping tomorrow? I just got two gift cards and I was thinking about taking you with me"

I look at her with widened eyes. "You're kidding me? Is this even a question? Of course i want to come!! Shopping, and for free? Sign me up for this!"

We then agree that she will come pick me up tomorrow in the afternoon. When she isn't riding her white Jeep, she has chauffeurs to take her wherever she wants. I told you she has the fancy life, she has chauffeurs. Not even two, not even three, but five. So, she never has problems with transportation.

As we end the call, we wish each other a good rest of the day and tell each other see you soon, because we both know that we will still text at night.

Hello loves!! So, how do we like this new chapter? And also, how do we like Valentina Torcianni? I personally adore her ❤️

with love,

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