Wangshu Inn

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Hello to my lovely readers, you look very pretty ^ u ^

YES 🫵😤 I AM talking to you, so don't you dare forget it


I wrote this very quickly so there's probably some spelling mistakes uhh sorry about that O,O


*3rd Person Pov*


"OH. MY. GOSH!!!!" "LOOK AT THAT!! LOOK AT THE TREEHOUSE AETHER! DO YOU SEE IT??!?!!" The pixie screamed as she flipped around in the air.

"Yes Paimon, I see it"

"Good" She hummed.


*Aether Pov*

Ascending the stairs of the inn felt like a lifetime, flight after flight I continued upwards.  As I reached the top, Paimon immediately darted away towards the smell of food, leaving the Adeptus all to me. (a/n  see what I did there ? *evil laughter*)

I entered the inn, slightly panting from the countless flights of stairs I took to reach this place. "Oh, hello there! Would you like a room?" I look up and am greeted by kind eyes looking back at me. They belong to a young woman standing behind a desk. "Ah *gasp* hello, sorry I'm a bit out of breath from the stairs." "Oh .. you walked all the way up here !?" "Err .. yes?" .. "Oh! sorry, was I not supposed to??" I said with a hint of fear, worried I had done something wrong. The woman smiled at me "No of course not, but you are perfectly welcome to take the elevator next time" "THERES AN ELEVATOR??" She laughed lightly "Oh .. perhaps I should put up a sign.." she whispered to herself. 

I notice the cat who was sat atop the desk had now jumped off, and was rubbing itself against my leg. "Aww he likes you!" I knelt down, admiring the cat. Light beige fur with grey markings on it's face. It's eyes were a mix of yellow and orange, nearly gold.. "Her eyes shone like gold"  Ganyu's words repeated in my head, though I doubt her sister had turned into a cat.  

I stood up "What's their name?" "Almond" "Aww that's such a good name" 

"Xiao named her"

His name made me jolt, remebering what I was here for. I felt a bit uneasy, but pushed my thoughts aside as I looked back to the woman. 

"Are you here for a room?" "Actually, I'm here for Adeptus Xiao. Do you know where I can find him?" 

"Yep! He should be on the top balcony."

"Alright, thank you!" I said, turning towards the stairs.


Walking across the balcony I didn't see anyone, instead I was entranced by the view as I walked to the edge and leaned over. I could see every, the outlines of the water, the beginning of land, tops of the mountains, I admired it all. 

Remembering the note Ganyu had given me, I reached into my pocket a pulled it out. 'If you don't see him inside of the inn, here is how he can be found.' 

'1) Stand atop the highest balcony of the, He usually rests on the roof.'

'2) If he is not there, call out his name.'

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