Imagine caring for Loki

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You pulled out a book of your usual favorite, a Sherlock series that you started reading about a year ago. So far it has been your favorite series that you have read. Interesting and cunning, that's what you would think of Sherlock as. You grinned at the part you were reading then.... THUD.

"What was that?" You asked into the now still silence of your living room. You wrapped a jacket around your shoulders and walked out where a scar in the earth now stood in your backyard. "What the?" You saw a person in the center of the medium sized crater and hoped that he wasn't dead.

"Hello?" You said louder so he could hopefully hear you. He moved on his shoulder slightly and grumbled. You sighed in relief, he wasn't dead after all, thank goodness. You scuffed your feet down the crater and helped the man get up. "H-hello...." You mustered out before catching sight of him. He was so handsome and.... Tall.

He wiped his hands on his leather jacket and looked down at you, "Um, hello." He looked you up and down and wandered toward your home. "H-hey! That's not your property!" He was easily getting in through your locked back door. He looked back and motioned for you to follow.

You ran up to him, not only because he was waiting, but because the cold was getting through your shirt. You eyed him as he relaxed on your sofa and leaned his neck over the top to look at the ceiling. You poured some water for you and him to drink. Hopefully he wasn't a bad guy, but he did look awful familiar.

He looked over at you as you pulled another book out. A Norse mythology book, and the first person you opened up to was Odin. You then turned the page where his two sons lay on the page. One in red, the other in.... Black leather and green with hints of gold. It was Loki. Only, he wasn't covered in dirt at the moment or fighting with his brother. You had also had a dream about him appearing one of these days, but why now?

"You're probably wondering who I am..." You placed the book on his lap with the page you were reading still open. He glanced at it and chuckled, "You have read of me? Silly human knowledge, probably isn't even close to be right." You sighed, "This is a book I'm writing. I keep having these dreams of different gods than the Greek ones. Then I had one of you appearing one day like this..." His brows raised in curiosity, "Well, Heimdall has probably been a part of that. He watches certainly people and then banishes people like me. Outcasts that aren't wanted." You gave him an odd look and he sighed.

"You see, there are nine realms if you don't already know," you nodded, "And, well, I guess that we haven't to watch over it while other realms reign havoc in their realm." You stopped him, "Why not like take over the realms so they can't do that?" He laughed, "You're kidding right? That's not how this universe works. It's much more complex." You sat up against him and looked into his green eyes, "I have plenty of time." He rolled his eyes, "You probably have mortal things to do."

"No really, go on ahead. I have a few days free and you aren't going anywhere until you are better." He sighed, "It doesn't matter. I can't go back. Odin has made his decision." You looked down at your hands, "Frigga would have never agreed to it. I know her well." He turned to look at you, "What?"

"Well, I'm kind of not mortal..."

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