Imagine seeing Loki in his cell

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You struggled against the grip of the Asgardian guards. You had been sentenced to life in prison because of the attempt to kill Odin.... Again. You couldn't stand his rules against your people. Your eyes burned red as the power surged through you. You looked over at an open cell and screamed into the gag they had put on you. You bit the guard that had pulled it off and kicked another in the gut. You showed claws forming at the tips of your fingers and hissed.

"Odin may have gotten away with it this time, but he will never kill me! He already got what he wanted anyway." They eyed you viciously and grabbed their swords. All the while the young prince sat and observed over the book he was reading. "He killed every one of my people! Every last one! He will face my wrath once I kill the lot of you!"

They all gave an evil look and grinned. They ran at you with their swords drawn. You grinned and lifted them up telepathically, then you threw them back against a wall. "This is what happens when you hurt my friends." You released the dark magic from your veins and let it flow into your claws. They all held their hands up when the lights flickered.

"Why must you be so complicated y/n? Why couldn't you have just cooperated for once?" Odin trudged in, followed by several other guards. "I will never cooperate for you or your minions," you spat at his feet. He narrowed his eyes, "Throw her in the 'special' cell." They all grabbed you and pulled you toward a cell that was closed, until you saw the prince standing, watching.

They threw you in and quickly formed the force field back around the cell. You gritted your teeth and ran at the force field. "I wouldn't do it. I'm afraid it's too strong for someone like you." You turned and look Loki in the face, "I don't want to hear a word out of you!" You pointed a finger at him, "You're probably the reason I'm in this mess!" He grinned after the guards had left, "Quiet. They're shutting off the lights." You watched as the whole hallway turned to darkness.

Two strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you against their chest. "Quiet," Loki whispered. He guided you over to the bed in the cell. "Lay down," he commanded. He then lay on top of you and kissed your lips passionately. "I have never seen a girl fight like you..." You grinned and flipped him onto his back with such force that it knocked the wind out of him. "You're not too bad yourself." You captured his lips again and felt him smile into the kiss. He pulled you closer and pulled off his shirt. You grinned again and pulled the covers over you, sleeping next to the prince that had made eternal love with you.

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