Imagine catching Loki listening to music

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You laughed as Loki tickled you until you both fell on the couch in your living room. You and Loki had been together for a year, but the one thing that you didn't understand was why he disliked music. You didn't know why he always disliked the fact that you listened to it. You grinned mischievously and kissed his forehead, "Why must you do this?" You asked between heavy gulps of air. He chuckled and placed his forehead onto yours. "I find it adorable when you laugh. Everything about you when you laugh just brightens up the room you're in."

You tilted your head, "Oh?..." He grinned and pulled you up from the bed and into his embrace. He then kissed your cheek and tightened his grip on you.

"You should stay and watch a movie with me tonight y/n. It's freezing outside."

You chuckled into the crook of his neck and sighed, "But I can't. I have to go to this party for Leslie."

He groaned, "Couldn't she understand that I need my time with you?"

You chuckled, "I have a long time with you unless of course you turn on me."

He lifted your chin up so you could look into his eyes, "Don't give me that tone y/n. I know where you live an' all." You playfully shoved him so he landed on the bed and you jumped on top of him.

"I don't like your tone either my prince." You kissed him up until the phone rang, which interrupted the moment. Loki reached for the phone and with a sigh, mustered a "hello." He listened intently as the caller was talking extremely fast.

"Whoa whoa! Slow down Thor!" Loki said into the phone quite loudly. You laughed silently as he held you against him while Thor spoke almost as fast, but Loki got it this time. "What do you mean she's gone?"

This time Thor yelled into the receiver, "SIF IS COMING AFTER Y/N!!" Loki held the phone away from his face as Thor calmed down, "You need to keep her hidden! She isn't safe at her home! Sif is going to do anything in her power to take y/n out of your life!"

"Ok Thor, just calm down. I'm sure that Sif isn't going to hurt her with me present." He put his hand to the speaker so Thor couldn't hear, "You have to cancel that meet up with Leslie." You rolled your eyes and mouthed, "I'll be fine," to him.

Thor sighed into the receiver, "Fine, but it's both of your guys' funerals."

Loki also sighed and ended the call. "Don't worry. I know she won't attack at least yet."


"Yeah. She knows that with me, she can't beat me."

You chuckled, "That's not the way a girl's mind works." You pinned him against the bed, "We are much more.... feisty.... than you think."

He opened his mouth to speak but you kissed him to stop him. That's when a large thud sounded from the front door. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the bat that was beside your bed.

"Watch," you said and marched out of the room. You knew she would have two swords and hit them both in the middle of the door frame, so you sat on your feet. The door was kicked down and just as planned, she tried to hit you with her sword. You hit her legs and then hit the swords away.

Loki just grinned, "I don't think feisty describes you however."

You stepped on her arm and looked over at him, "Im going, so you can knock her out or something." You tossed him the bat and winked.

He look at the bat and then you, then you ran out the door to meet with Leslie.
Once you returned, Sif had disappeared and Loki wasn't waiting for your return. It was midnight, so he must have gone to bed. You opened every door as silent as you could, and when you got to your bedroom, he was there, but with something you hadn't expected to see.

"Loki? So you have been listening to music!" He looked up and pulled the headphones off.

"Um, you're home a lot earlier than I thought." He tried to cover it up with his calm words and changing of the subject, but it didn't work.

"So you've been listening to music behind my back?"

"What?" He asked rhetorically, "I never said that!" You pulled the headphones and your iPod from his lap and held it in the air with a cock of your brow.

"Really?" You said with a chuckle.

He sighed, "Ok yeah I have been, but I don't see why you're so excited to see me listening to it..."

"I'm happy that you are," then you punched his arm.

"Hey hey! Ow!"

"However, I'm disappointed that you lied to me." He held his hand over the place you had punched him. "Seems that I must punish you then..."

"Punish? The God of lies? Please..." You pulled rope out from your closet and stretched it out in front of you, "A little soothing music may put your mind to ease."

He sighed with relief, to which you grabbed his arms and wrapped the rope in a knot around them. You pulled him to the edge of the bed and sat on his back, which he grunted at.

"You sorry yet?"

"He mumbled into the bed, "Not yet."

You started humming the newest song that you fell in love with, Flashlight. You felt him relax as you were handling the rope.

"Still not sorry?"

"I'm about there, but why don't you ever sing in front of me?" You sang the last few lines to him, and he pulled you down by the rope to kiss you. "You should definitely sing more often."

Loki imaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum