Imagine having Loki in college

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You stood in front of your mirror in satisfaction. First day of college, you thought silently. Your parents were happy to send you off. You definitely weren't their favorite child. Your brother was a spoiled little brat. He got whatever he wanted. He had brown hair, grayish black eyes, and a high tantrum setting. If he did so much as start an argument, it was automatically your fault.

You pushed your home life out of question and prepped your hair. You were going for drama, your favorite subject. You chuckled at the voice you had been practicing. (In British high-pitched voice), "Here lay the body of the Great Jones! He shall boil in the mighty pot of Broil! Let him burn! Let them know!" You fell down onto your bed in a laughing fit and wiped a tear from her cheek when a knock on the door sounded. She couldn't be late or could she? You looked at the clock and sighed in relief. You got up in a quick frenzy, fixing your hair.

You opened the door after smoothing down your clothes and put on the best smile you could. "Hello miss y/n." You relaxed a bit it was Principal Mars, "I happen to have a student who is joining late. Do you mind if he shares your dorm?" He?, "Uh, yeah sure." He looked around the principal's shoulder and your breath got caught in your throat. He was hot, like really hot. You swallowed the lump in your throat and introduced yourself. "I'm Loki," he managed to get out.

You let him inside and watched him get his things together on the extra bed. You had a TV by the window and several books strewn around the room. You silently cursed as you were to set example for him. "Um, so.... Where ya from?" You didn't know what to say to this random guy who showed up in the middle of the year. "Somewhere you wouldn't believe."

"Oh, I would believe it because I have met you before. I am no mortal. I am immortal like you, prince." He turned in surprise, "You're not...." You nodded with a grin, "The timid girl that was afraid to fight. The one who was unsure of her surroundings, didn't want to be noticed amongst the crowd. Yet, somehow you managed to become her friend as a child." He smiled widely and ran to give you a giant hug, "Why aren't you in Asgard? You just disappeared one day. I thought you were dead because of what Odin had said." "And you believed him?"

"I didn't want to. I didn't want to accept the fact that you may have been killed by my own father." You shook your head, "I don't understand. He said I was dead, but he wanted me to kill my parents. They were innocent. He killed them for no reason." Loki kissed your cheek, "Hey, I know what he was doing. He has been doing it since I could talk. He claimed that I was his son, the rightful king of Asgard. He is a liar. A fool." You continued, "He's a selfish, no good, horrible...." You started to break down in tears in Loki's arms. It had been forever since you had been held by him.

He guided you over to the bed and lay next to you. Today was the day you were going to miss the class that you loved. It was for a good reason too. You couldn't believe that you would skip it either. Hopefully you'd clean up by biology though. "I'll tell Ms. Vrigarè that you had a family oriented problem and had to skip this morning." She is an understanding woman, "Thank you."

"Once I return, I would like to speak with you of the plans of our wed." You tilted your head. Wed? "I plan to take my father's place. We will leave tonight if you would like." You tried to find the words to muster out, but you asked why. "I need to prove that my brother has not found an actual true love. I will avenge your parents by taking him from the throne and punishing him first thing." You nodded your head, he then came over and kissed your lips with love. "I've always wanted to do that," you said quietly. He grinned and kissed you again, pushing you back down on the bed. Your wrists were pinned down by his hands as he kissed your lips and down your jawline. "How's that for kissing your first man?" You sighed, "Mmmmm... I'd love more."

He chuckled, "In time child. In time."

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