Part 8

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I got on my bike, ready to get out of here if someone was trying to attack me. As I put the key in I looked back to se it was non other the the fireman that had followed me.

''What do you want?''

''I want to know what you plan to do with Ruby? If you think you can walk in their and have he then dump her when you're bored, then I sugest you stay away. She don't need any more trouble, and that is what you are''

''Mate you don't even know me, going of some assumption that cause I'm a biker I'm like the rest that give us a bad name. Yes I like her and want to get to know her. But you are not her big brother, so keep you're nose out of it and leave me to treat her in the way she a queen''

I'd had enough of his crap, he could be the sexiest man in the world right now for all a cared. But he had just pissed me off with his assumption of me. Key in, start and reve then floored it out of there before any more could be said. I just wanted to be in my own bed and try to forget that while I was talking to the guy, I could feel myself getting wet at the though of being in his bed. I mean come on he was the pitcher of perfection when I finaly let myself think about him. Tall with enough muscle to be able to move me around, Black hair with blue eyes, so deep I'm sure there must of been more then just one colour blue in them.

I wasn't someone that oftern went for men as that was more hassle the women in the bedroom department. Women where easy as in you could do loads of oral, finger them, fuck them with their toys. And if I managed to get the room dark enough, I could put a strap on dick on and fuck them then get rid of it before leging it out, yet still leave them satified. Where as men was not so easy, most of the time they would be happy with a blow or hand job. Some would feel bad and want to repay it, which is the time I would have to leg ot out. But there was the few that after all that they would still want to fuck, meaning I would explane about my body and get kicked out while being called a freek or monster. So you can see why I mainly went for women.

The club house was still alive when I got back, with lots of shouting and clicking of glasses. I couldn't see Magnes or Crow around, and I still didn't know everyone. Most of the guys seemes like good men, though the older guys that everyone names the dinos (short for dinosaurs) still like to think they lived in the older days. My brother couldn't wait to get rid of them, but unless they did something so bad that he had no other choise but to kick them out. Then there was nothing he could do. Unfortunaly they sore me before I could get out of there.

''Oi Prez's little bitch, come here''

The dicks thought it was funny to call me that, since they were convinsed I was his little bitch for being his brother. The others didn't mind so much as I didn't get treated any diffrent, apart from where I slept. But Crow had set them all strait about there not being enough beds in with the prospects, which was true but that was our cover for me.

''What do you want now?''

They had been trying to make things are for me since I got here, giving me all the really shitty jobs that all new prospects are given to do. But the really bad once seem to have my name on them. My brother had to stay out of it all, which was fine. Poor Crow was the one that had to step in if he felt it was getting to much. Thankfully that only happened once, when they tried to get me to mess with another guys bike as a prank. What I didn't know was the bike belonged to a guy that no one, and I mean no one in the club ever wanted to get on the wrong side of. He was said to be the most dangeruous guy out of the lot of us, kind of like a hit man in a way.

''Watch you're tounge, you peice of shit. You need to learn to respect us, and so far you are doing a crap job of it. If the old Prez was still here he would of beaten you're ass infront of everyone. Now fuck off as you have the showers to clean.''

Fuck me, can my night get any better? The showers he was talking about were the one's in the lower level. Everyone that didn't have a bathroom attached to their room used them. I hadn't ever gone in them before since I never needed to, but tonight was going to be the test. I could easly take of my top and boots, but there was no way I'd strip down to my pants like the others did. I would have to just roll my jeans up and hope I didn't get too wet.

It didn't take me to long to get the place clean and I was just on the last part of the floor before I heard the door behind me open. Not thinking to must about it I just carried on, but it wasn't long till I was pushed from behind onto the swist that turns the shower on. Drenching myself in the prosses. Lafter followed and when I turned round to see who did it, that's when I sore the 4 dinos standing infront of me.

''What the fuck was that for? I know you're old but didn't realise you were blind aswell''

''I'v warned you before about that mouth of you're boy. Now shut it and strip''

''No fucking way''

''I said STIP!!''

''AND I SAID NO!!!...... what you so self contouse about you're dick size you need to see if mine is bigger''

And maybe I should of just kept my mouth shit since what I said seemed to piss them off, Leading to fist flying and me trying to defend myself against 3 men. I landed a few good hits but so did they, to my jaw, ribs and head. Making me loose focuse and giving them the upper hand to hold me still. Both my arms restainded and my head by the 3 men. Leaving the ring leader standing infront of me, and slowly walking closer.

''When I tell you to do something I exspect you to do it. So now looks like I will have to help you, starting with you're jeans''

He had an evil smerk on his face as he stood infront of me, reaching out and undoing my jeans. Thankfully due to them being wet they stuck to me, meaning he had to step closer just to start tugging them down. I could feel my prostetic starting to shift and the panic started to set in, making my breathing faster and head spin. The dino had just got my jeans down to my knees when the door was kicked off its hinges, in storms Crow and Magnus followed by a few other guys. Dear God if this wasn't embarasing as it is, and now there are more guys seeing it. But my thoughts were cut off at the sound of my brothers voice booming into the room.


''We were just having a little bit of fun, like we normaly would with a new prospect. But the boy started throwing his fist about''

Other's might of belived that was what happened but Magnus knew me and just one look into my eyes he could see my panic and that this was not just a 'bit of fun'. The Prez didn't have to say any more ad Crow gave a nod and the other guys mad quick work of getting the dinos out of the room. Leaving me standing where I was shivering and not being about to move.

''Fuck, Crow grab a towle and clear the way to you're room''

After that everything happened so fast I had no time to react, my brother took my jeans the rest of the way off, wrapped me in a big towle then carried my back to my room. Followed by Crow with the rest of my stuff. Magnus then took me into our own shower, helping my get rid of my remaining clothes and dick. Before undressing himself and coming in with me, like we use to as kids. He cleaned me up as best he could then got me dry and changed before laying with me in bed, just talking to me in kind wispers till I fell asleep.

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