Part 12

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It didn't take long our little ride out untill Crow pulled into a carpark. Still not saying anything to me, he stars walking into the trees that surrounded this place. Yer I know following someone into a wooded area spells trouble. But Crow has never given me a reason to not trust him. He's made a point of looking out for me since I arrived at the club house. We walk for about 5 minutes before I see a bench that he goes to sit on, not wanting to stand like an idiot I seat on the other end.

"You wondering why I brought you here?"

"I can take a guess you want to talk and not be heard?"

"Obvious really but yer....definitely don't want your brother hearing."

"....Crow just say what ever it is already, your not the type to beat around the bush"

But he didn't say anything, just looking at the world around him, lost in some really deep thought as he never reacted to my hand on his arm or me calling his name. Just kept staring out but not really looking at what is going on around us. Till I put both my hands of his face and turned it towards me.

''What's going on in that big head of your's? Talk to me''

''What we did this morning had me thinking all through the ride out. But I feel like I can't say because of my position in the club, and who you're brother is.''

''Well lets take all of that off the table and let it go from there''

''....Fair enough but one question first, what's going on with you and the barmaid? Cause that will have an impact on what I have to say.''

WTF!! I have no idea of what this talk was about before hand and that has just made things even more confusing. How can what I have going on with Red have anything to do with Crow, not like there really is much going on with us at the moment.

''Nothing much with her at the moment, as I have been trying to work out if I need to tell her about me. Though is she takes it ok then with any luck we will going all the way. Plus the fireman keeps trying to get in our way, so unless he's wanting to shair...''

''Haha I don't see that happerning since I know who you are on about and he's as strait as they come.''

Not really bothered by what Crow just said all I do is shrug it off. From my own exsperiance there is never sutch a thing as 100% strait, at the back of you're mind there will always be the questions of what if or wonder what.... Add into the factor that we are made to find attraction in a person to keep the evoltion of life going. I'm sure if I sweet talked him enough he would be intrested if it ment he may get a shot with Red. I probably should really stop calling her that and use her actual name, but Red works so much better.

''Anyway....About this morning. Since you know about my.....problem and at the moment you are not spoken for. I was wondering if maybe we could keep it going till things with you're woman become physical? It would benifit us both I thought, of cause you are totaly good with kicking the shit out of me and telling me I'v over stept the line.''

Now It's my turn to be silent, but the poor guy next to me is so tens waiting for my reply. What do I say though? I mean yer it could work out for the both of us with a bit of fun. But what if any of the guys in the club work it out or find out what we are doing? The dinos might be gone but I can't see all the lads welcoming me with open arms when it gets out about my change. If anything they could turn their backs on not just me but my brother and Crow as they knew the whole time. We would only stop the fun once I've spoken to Red about my body and if she was on bored with it. There is still the question of when that will be? I want her to get to know me a bit better before dropping a bome like that into her. Err so much of that bloody what if that It's starting to give me a head ach.

Fuck it we only ever live once, might as well make the most of it while we can. I'm not going to stop that now. Crow looks like I need to say something now before he goes off with a bang. So that's the finality of it all.

''You're on, our room in 2hours and we can go from there.''

With a last nod I stand and make my way back to the bike, giving myself time to come up with a few ideas and game plans. The vibe I got from Crow was that he didn't know what to do, just needing to get his thoughts out quick. Now it's my turn to take the rains.

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