June 13, 2017

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3:18 pm

Today is my 14th birthday. Marcus decided that I am allowed to keep a journal as long as I promise not to show anyone what I write. I did. Not like there is anyone I can show it to. He promised not to read it because he doesn't care what I have to say, and says I can write anything I want. I'm surprised he is being so kind to me. I'm also surprised he cared to ask when my birthday was. I guess my kidnapper wants me to have a "normal" childhood. Well, as normal as it can be at least. I'm definitely not happy about the situation. I wish I could go home. But over the past few months, I've learned that he won't hurt me unless I break the rules. I have to wear these doll-like, puffy dresses, wear my hair in a bun, do all my chores, and address Marcus as "sir" when I'm speaking to him. Although, I'm going to call him by his name when I write. I am allowed 2 hours of tv a day and I am allowed to read anything from the library that I want, for as long as I want, as long as I have no more chores. I'm even allowed outside for one hour a day if Marcus comes with me. I guess I just need to make the best out of the situation knowing that there is nothing I can do to change it. The last time I tried to escape, he hurt me, so I won't be trying that again. For now at least.

8:27 pm

Today was a good day. After I finished my chores and wrote in this for a bit, I was allowed to go out into the flower garden by myself. There is no way to escape from there since it is surrounded by a tall wooden fence and the only way to leave the garden is to go back through the house. It is so beautiful out there. There is a small pond with a little waterfall and lily pads. There is also a stepping stone path that weaves between the flower beds. There are daisies and roses and carnations and so many more. Watering the garden is my favorite chore of the day. I hope that I will be allowed out here alone again and that this wasn't just for my birthday. Maybe I'll be allowed to read out here when my chores are done. I could even stay out here until bedtime because of the light. Oh, I almost forgot. My new bedtime is now 10:00 instead of 9:00 because I'm getting older. Things are looking up. Maybe if I can just ride this out for the next 4 years, Marcus will let me go home when I'm 18. Here's hoping. I'm going to go for the night and finish reading my book. I only have 30 pages left! I know I shouldn't be so excited about this situation. Trust me, I'm not. I would give anything to see my family and friends again. I guess I'm just the type of person to keep a positive attitude.

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