July 22, 2017

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4:19 pm

The past month or so has been mostly uneventful except for when Marcus grounded me from my journal for a couple of weeks and punished me. He said I didn't look pretty enough because I was wearing a green dress instead of the blue one he picked out for me. He wouldn't listen when I told him it was dirty. He started screaming and his face got all red. He told me to strip so I could be punished. I tried to reason with him but he wouldn't listen. He said I was a stupid little girl and that he knew what was good for me. He kept screaming at me to strip so I had to. When I was naked, he took off his belt and hit me with it on my butt and my chest. I was bruised all over and my breasts hurt for the rest of the day. That was the worst he punished me before. Nothing like that has happened since then. He told me that unless I was tending to it, I wasn't allowed into the garden for a whole month. I finally got my journal back, obviously, but I'm still not allowed into the garden. My tv privileges have also been taken away for a long time. I don't know when I'll get them back. Hopefully soon because there are no more good books in the library.

11:53 pm

I'm not supposed to be awake or writing right now but I can't sleep. I'm using the moonlight from my window to see. Marcus has been acting strange lately.  Even though I'm still grounded, he's been weirdly happy. I hear him on the phone late at night and early in the morning. He wants to leave the house, but he can't because he doesn't trust me. He's right in not trusting me because I would run away if I was left alone. I just wish he would leave though. I could easily slip away at night, but after midnight, the door alarms go off if the door is opened from either side. My bedroom is on the second floor, so I can't escape through my window, and I'm too afraid to leave my room after bedtime because if he catches me, I'll be punished. I'm still hoping my family will find me.

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