August 7, 2017

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6:00 am

Today was supposed to be my first day of high school, but Marcus says I'm not allowed to go to school because I'll escape. He says he's "homeschooling" me, but all that means is teaching me how to be a good housewife. I got my tv privileges back today, and Marcus said I can watch the morning news before I do my chores, so I'm going to go do that before he changes his mind.

3:22 pm

I just finished my chores and I am so upset! I saw myself on the news this morning. The authorities were looking for me since February when I got kidnapped, but they deemed it a cold case and stopped looking because they think I'm dead since it's been so long. Today has been horrible. I'm so angry with my parents for giving up hope, but maybe it isn't their fault. I'm sure they don't want to stop looking for me. Maybe the police won't keep looking for me. So I guess I'm angry with the cops. I'm mostly angry with myself though because I'm the one who let myself get kidnapped.

Flower GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora