August 8, 2017

2 1 0

5:20 pm

Marcus has been taunting me about what I saw on the news. He keeps telling me to give up hope of ever seeing my family again and that I should accept the way things are now. It's so hard knowing that the police don't even care anymore and that they will just let me suffer. On another note, I did find out why Marcus has been so happy recently. He met a woman on this dating site and she wants to come over. Marcus told me that she will come over tomorrow evening for dinner. He said that she doesn't know about me and that I am to stay upstairs in my room and be quiet. He said if I disobey him, he'll punish me. But if I run down there when she's here and quickly tell her that he kidnapped me, I could get out! It's not like he would hurt me in front of her, and even then she would have already heard me. That's the plan. That's how I'll escape. I just need to tell Marcus's date what is going on.

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