June 17, 2017

6 1 0

12:06 pm

I finished my chores early today. I am so excited about my new journal. It's almost like I have a real friend to talk to. Today was mostly uneventful, but I finished my chores early today. Marcus said I am allowed into the garden alone, I just need to tell him where I am going. I am sitting on the bench in front of the pond while I write. It is so relaxing out here. A lot better than being stuck inside with him at least. I am really hungry. I wish I was allowed to eat lunch, but Marcus says I'm only allowed to eat breakfast and dinner so I can "keep up my appearance" whatever that means. I'm not sure who I need to look skinny for, I'm assuming that's what he means by that, but if I complain then I'll be punished. It's kind of hot out today, but I guess that's normal since it's the middle of summer. Maybe I'm just not used to the heat anymore since I'm barely allowed outside.

7:24 pm

Marcus just had a long conversation with me. He said something about his dead wife and the flower garden. If I'm being honest, I wasn't really listening to him all that much. The gist of what he was saying though is that his wife made that garden and tended to it, but when she passed away he didn't know how to take care of it. Marcus told me that if the garden isn't kept up that I will be severely punished. I hope I'll be able to keep up with it. I'm sure I'll be able to though. As much as I hate this place, I love that garden. It's the one thing that brings me any sort of happiness here. Tonight Marcus ordered fast food to eat so I can't eat dinner tonight because he says it's "bad for me". I know that one night of fast food won't hurt me. I think he is just mad because I had a second helping of pancakes this morning. Well I know I learned my lesson. I don't even know why he practically starves me. It's common knowledge that starving yourself makes you bloated, and I know I can't "keep up an appearance" if I'm bloated. I think I will stop writing for the night and go to bed early. I heard Marcus shout something and I don't want to be doing anything that might upset him more.

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