Chapter 2- Outside the Closet

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I knew one kiss didn't make a relationship but I didn't expect to have my innocence taken away from me by a kid I saved from bullying. Blake made the first move when he had a girlfriend. I felt all types of emotions I never even knew I had. I wanted to pull her off him and punch him. I wanted to punch her but more importantly I wanted him. For the first time in my life I felt complete. The way he touched me made me feel special. My body against his, his lips against mine. I know a hookup in the supply closet wasn't much but I wanted more. As I thought about him more I realized, I would rather share him and be without him. He could be the one. For once in my existence I wanted thing to go my way. I wanted to be happy and have a connection with someone. I wanted someone to love me and see me how I wanted the world to see me. I dated in the past but I never got sexual. I just held hands with guys and walked home. I only had one boyfriend and I was his secret. He would parade his girl named Jennifer in public and cuddled me in private. When I told him I wanted more he would get mad and hit me. I would come home with black eye and busted lip and told my parents it was bullying. I loved Maurice so I couldn't expose him, he was under a lot of stress from living a double life. I had to tell myself he didn't mean to hit me and that he loved me but had a hard time showing it. It wasn't until I fought back did we break up. I tried to tell people but they all laughed and said he would never even deal with a black kid like me. Maurice was one of the most popular kids in school and he was white. All the girls loved him and all the guys wanted to be his friend. I would eat lunch alone while he sat with all his friends. I would go to his house after school to help him with biology and we would just chill on his sofa and made out till his mom came home. We never went out the house or spoke to each other in public. He was the first guy I thought I cared for but I was more afraid of him than anything. He played baseball and we he lost a game he would be so angry and I hated being around him. It was only a year ago so I had trouble trusting guys. What happened in that closet gave me hope for a second chance at love and I wasn't about to give up so easy.

I wiped my tears and walked back into the dining hall. I wasn't about to spoiled little blonde girl win, I went right back over to the table and sat down right in the middle. They all looked at me but I didn't give them a chance to say anything.

'Hey Blake are you feeling better"

The girl slid off his lap as if he pushed her into the chair next to him.

"Hey yeah I'm fine thanks for everything. Everyone this is....."

I never told him my name nor did he ask. It was ok because the way I said his in that supply close you would have thought it was mine too.

"Tyquan" I said finishing his sentence.

"He's the kid I told you all about that saved me last night"

HE TALKED ABOUT ME!!! I wanted to smile but I stayed confident. The kid beside me spoke next.

"That's great bro, we totally owe you one. You saved our star quarterback" he said.

I BANGED THE QUATERBACK. FUCKING SCORE. I had hot sex with the quarterback the first week of school. This has to be a world record. I was jumping for joy inside but I had my game face on. Blake was gonna be mine.

The girl beside Blake spoke next,

"My mother is the headmaster and she's going to look into whoever did this to my poor baby. But anyways I have to be at cheer practice in a few so ill TTYL"

She got up and skipped away. I didn't even catch her name. I wanted to know the name of the girl whose man I'm about to steal

"Girlfriend" I asked

"Nope she's likes me and were a couple to make her mom happy. She says her daughter should be with someone who has something going for herself." He lowered his voice "My parents don't make enough to cover tuition so I made a deal with headmaster to stay here"

I wanted to scream. Blake was being forced to be with that dumb chick or he had to leave the school. I was uncovering secrets already. I hope that girl likes the taste if me on her man's lips. Blake was the best thing to happen to me and I wasn't going to let this "headmaster" get in my way. I'll bring this school to the ground to get what I want.

The lunch bell ended and all the students dumped their trays and left. I didn't take my eyes of Blake as I walked through the crowd to get to him. He went out the side door into the gym and I followed. He walked into the locker room and i ran after him. He disappeared. As I turned around a hand went over my mouth. When his lips kissed my neck I knew exactly who it was. He turned me around in a hurry and lifted me up by my lips and pinned me against a locker. He hit my head but I didn't care. I was in the air now and his lips were pressed against mine. All his weight was against me and it hurt so good. We made out while he held my legs up and I wrapped my arms around his head. My dick was so hard it hurt and I wanted him inside pounding me. I struggled for air ever time we stopped kissing to breathe. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth and i loved it. He slid his hands up my shirt.

"I never can never repay you enough" he said as he removed his mouth only a few inches away from mine to udder those very words.

"I know some ways" Next thing you know he unzipped my pants and went down.

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