Chapter 5- First Impressions

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I was extremely nervous, I've never been to a party before let alone with a date. This is going to be my first date and the outfit that I was wearing made my anxiety worse. I wasn't aware of the situation I was walking into I just knew I was walking in looking absolutely fabulous. The outfit that James gave me to wear was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life. My stomach was expose him for the first time in my life I looked and felt sexy.

"Are you ready love?" James said as he took my hand and kissed it. He wore just a black tux with a black rose in his coat pocket. I figured it was symbolic or something. My stomach was in knots at this point. I looked like a child at James' arm but something about his character made me look up at him and smile.


 We walked through the two large doors into a room with a balcony and glass ceiling. My ears were filled with ballroom music and chatter from the other partygoers. I looked at James one last time before I braced myself to enter.  The party was packed with people everywhere in fancy attire holding wine glasses. I've never been around so much elegance before. The closest I've gotten to a fancy gathering was communion at church. I felt extremely out of place because I was really the only black person there but I was dressed better than some. James held my hand and walk me through the crowd. People spoke to us and I forced a smile. I got an occasional stare from some older white men but I paid them no mind.

"James! My oldest  son. How are you old chap?" the old man.

The old man was the headmaster. I've seen portraits of him around the academy but I've never seen him up close. He was a really built man in his late 40s. He wore a navy blue suit with a white handkerchief. The pendent shaped like an anchor on his. Headmaster and James shared the same British accent.

"Father, so good to see you and be back at the academy. This is my date Tyquan."

My stomach dropped. He put his hand on my back pushing me forward. I stuck my hand out to the headmaster but he didn't extend his. Lucky for me his attention was drawn away from me unto something else. Jessica. Her dress was bright red and exposed her shoulders and legs. Her hair was up in a bun with a little left out to fall down into a bang. She looked beautiful and I hated it. Not only di

"Daddy, James I would like you to meet Blake"

This was the icing on the cake. I didn't know James and Jessica knew each other but Blake was here and I came with James. I feared confrontation from them both and I couldn't think quickly enough. Blake shook headmasters hand with a clap and a firm grip. He embraced Blake as if he was family and gave me the cold shoulder I didn't know what to think. They chattered back and forth for a while with occasional laughs. I tried to engage but headmaster shut me out serval times so I stopped trying.

Jessica tapped her fork against her wine Glass and cleared her throat.

"Attention everyone I have an announcement to make. Me and Blake with my father's blessing of course are engaged and with child."

I didn't know if it was my head or the clapping around me. She won. She can give him more than me and he needs her. I fought back my tears and kept my cool and forced a smile. James grabbed my hand and kissed it. I felt Blake watching.

Headmaster spoke next. "In light of my daughter's wedding, Drug X is ready for testing and there will be a full demonstration at the next event.

I didn't want to stay and have to congratulate Jessica. I hated seeing Blake there, pretending to be happy with her and now she's pregnant? It doesn't take a Rocket Science to figure out who the father is. I thought this was some kind of sick joke and they were going to say "gotcha" but no, this is real. I didn't understand why everything in my life that made me happy would eventually hurt me. I just wanted to be happy and in love and belong to the person I was in love with. His voice would be my favorite sound. His kiss would make me weak and his touch you light my body on fire. Blake was all I wanted but I couldn't have him. I felt bad because James actually does want me. I held on to the false hope of having Blake I looked right pass James. He took me to an extraordinary party, bought me an amazing outfit and swept me off my feet.

 "James I gotta get out of here. I wanna go home" I said looking up to him. He looked into my eyes with touch passion and a grin on his face. He was almost blushing. He wiped the sweat from my face and kissed me.

"Say no more love"

James said his goodbyes and walked with me out the door. I was filled with questions. Did Blake want to marry Jessica? When did she get pregnant? Why doesn't the headmaster like me? What is Drug X?

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 15, 2015 ⏰

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