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(Listen to the song the media part above if you have time. It's one of my favourite, thought I'd share with you...)

A black, expensive car stopped infront of the house where shouting of a husband and wife could be heard. What are they shouting about? Well...let me tell ya...

They are 'calmly discussing' about many ways to save their soon to be shut down dance club.

"T-Tenn-nni" A red head, 7 year old, whimpered, clinging onto his soft, pale pink haired elder twin.

"Shh... It's going to be alright, Riku." The boy, Tenn comforted his younger twin brother Riku.

They both heard the car stopping infront of the house, so they sent out of Riku's room and hid behind the staircase, where they can watch what's going on in the living room.

A few moments later, the twins saw a black haired, slender man entering the room followed by two bodyguards.

"I'm here to collect the money, Mr. Nanase." The man said.

"Kujo-san, please give us more time. We'll definitely return the money." The hasband pleaded.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. We're going to shut down your club then." The man said turning around to walk away.

"W-wait!" Riku called out.

Riku doesn't exactly understand what's going on, but he knows that if they lose the club, their only income will be gone. So he said what every seven year old kid would say.

"Please spare our club. Instead of the money, you can have me!" Riku said, with determination shining in his eyes.

Tenn's mouth dropped to the ground. Riku's parents, Kujo and the bodyguards stared at the boy with dumbfounded expression.

They all thought the same thing.

'Did he just sell himself to save the family club?'

"I-I see." Kujo was the first one to recover from the shock.

He went to Riku and knelt down infront of him, matching the height.

"What is your name, child?" He asked.

"Riku. Nanase Riku." Riku replied.

"Yes, Riku. Can you sing me a song? Your  voice is so beautiful." Kujo asked.

"Yes!" Riku said and started singing a song he remembered Tenn singing for him when he was sick. (You can assume the song I uploaded up there is the one Riku singing.)

"That was amazing, Riku." Kujo praised after Riku finished singing. "Say Riku, would you let me adopt you? In return, I will erase the debt of your family and give them more money to reopen the club."

Riku looked back at his family. Tenn, who was held behind by their mother, swat her hands away from him and ran to his little brother's side. Tenn held Riku's hand and pleaded with teary eyes.

"Don't do it, Riku. Please don't leave me."

Riku looked back at Kujo and nodded. Kujo nodded back and went outside. He stopped by the car, opened the door and waited for Riku.

Riku pulled his hands away from Tenn who looked shock.

"Tenn-nni, I'm doing this for the Nanase family. Good bye."

Riku walked out and got inside the car. Tenn who snapped out of his shocked state, ran after the car, yelling his little brother's name.

Inside the car, Kujo asked.

"Riku, you have talent. Would you let me train you to be an idol?"

"Yes." Riku simply replied, looking out of the window.

Kujo smiled.

"Very good. From this moment on, you are Kujo Riku, son of Kujo Takamasa. I will train you to be someone who'll surpass the legendary idol, Zero!"

God of the Idols~An Idolish7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now