Names Pt 1

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What should you consider when picking a name?

There are so many factors that can go into a new name, just as there are when choosing a name for a baby. The main difference to remember is that you have the opportunity of knowing who you are and picking a name that matches who that is rather than someone you've never met. Some people pick a random name an roll with it, some choose a name similar to their birth name or one that starts with the same letter. Many people use baby name websites like writers and soon-to-be parents do. When choosing a new name for you, it all comes down to 'does it match who you are and are you comfortable with it?'

What if I don't want a new name?

That's okay too. Some people never pick a new name. Just as some transgender people don't feel the need to fully transition (I'll cover that one too), some queer people don't feel the need to change their name. It's totally fine and they're just as valid as someone who does change their name.

What if I settled on a name and it doesn't work anymore? Does that mean it's not valid?

Nope, it doesn't mean that at all. If you picked a name and it doesn't vibe with you anymore, it's like an old piece of clothing. You might choose to keep it's memory if it was a crucial part in your past/journey, but you shouldn't have to keep using it if it doesn't fit anymore.

Why would someone choose a new name?

Often times it's because the name they had just doesn't match who they are. It can be very jaring to be vibing as the gender you are and suddenly be called by a name that doesn't match it. I'll use myself for example. Let's pretend that my name was Zoe. I'm Genderfluid and that means that I switch between different genders a lot. (I'll cover genderfluid a bit deeper if y'all want me to since this is a generalized definition) I tend to have a lot of masculine and non-binary days and for me,Zoe doesn't fit that at all. I was assigned female at birth so I already struggle with my feminine body on those days. So I'm choosing a new name that fits me better. I've decided to go by Sky for a few reasons. The main one being that it's just more comfortable and it's more neutral but can be gendered so it fits on all days.

If any of the info is wrong, PLEASE tell me! (This is not an invitation for queerphobes to spill their nonsense, this is for people who are genuinely trying to help if I got a definition or detail wrong.)

Until next time my lovelies, stay safe, you're valid, and I love you. 

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