What's the difference between Pan, Bi, Omni, and Poly?

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**In this one, Poly is referring polysexual and polyromantic instead of polyamorous**

I'll start with defining each with their google definition:

Bisexual: is romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior toward both males and females, or to more than one gender.

Pansexual: not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity

Omnisexual: involving, related to, or characterized by a diverse sexual propensity

Polysexual: the attraction to multiple genders and/or sexes

So basically:

Pansexual is love regardless of gender. They still have a type, it just doesn't include one specific gender, nor does the type vary between genders. Omnisexual is loving of all genders, but they have different experience with the genders. For me (cause I'm gray omni romantic, this means that I tend to be attracted to girls more often.) Another example could be having a different type for each gender. Polysexual is loving most genders but not all. Bisexual is loving two or more genders. Yes, they have a lot of overlap, but they are different labels, each with their own definition, and you should always respect people when they come out to you, no matter what identity it is. 

If any of the info is wrong, PLEASE tell me! (This is not an invitation for queerphobes to spill their nonsense, this is for people who are genuinely trying to help if I got a definition or detail wrong.)

Until next time my lovelies, stay safe, you're valid, and I love you. 

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