Day of Unity PT 1

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It was the next morning and Luz was already feeling sick. Not because she was actually sick, but because of the dread building up like a virus inside her. Today was the Day of Unity, the last day to get The Collector away from her, and the last chance to save every Witch on the Boiling Isles.

Luz wanted to try and talk to her mother one last time, in case this might actually BE the last time she could, but without any access to the Human realm there was no way for her to communicate with her mother.

A soft knocking came on her door. "Come in." Luz said. Opening the door revealed Eda with a look of worry on her face.

"Morning kiddo, how'd you sleep?" That question was laced with sarcasm, an obvious nod to the fact that non of them had a good night's rest.

"Hm, as well as you can during the end of the world, I guess." Luz tried to joke, only getting a pathetic chuckle from the owl lady.

"Well, I brought you something since you missed breakfast." Eda said as she walked in with a plate of what could be described as demon pancakes. Luz took to eating them as Eda began to talk again. "Kid, I'm going to be one hundred percent honest with you... I'm a bit scared." Luz took her eyes off her food. "It's just there's a lot on the line you know? I mean, if you told me thirty years ago that I would be fighting alongside a Human to save the entire realm, I would've smacked you across the Isles myself." 

Luz chuckled at that, making sure she didn't choke on her food.

"But, the main thing I'm scared of is you Luz. I'm scared that we'll be too late, if not to save us, then to save you." Luz looked at Eda with a soft smile, giving Eda a hug.

"W-We'll figure this out, together... Okay?"

"... Psh, and here I thought I was supposed to give the pep-"

"Talks?" Eda and Luz looked at Raine, who scratched his head, embarrassed. "Sorry that I'm interrupting an important bonding moment, but we need to discuss our plan of attack."

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