Day of Unity PT 3

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Luz woke up back in the mirror dimension and instantly began to break down. Her sobs helped fill the empty void around her, and her knees made for a good thing to hug. She hugged her knees with such strength that they hurt, but she didn't care. This was it, her life now. For all eternity she would be trapped here to only watch in futility as the world moved on. Somebody out in the universe must like the idea, being able to watch everything and never worry about not being there to see it. But that's not the issue, the issue was that she couldn't BE there.

She wouldn't ever be able to hug her mom again.

She wouldn't ever be able to snuggle up with Eda and King.

She wouldn't ever be able to kiss Amity. A part of her thanked Amity for kissing her when she had the chance, since now it would be their last.

A part of Luz wondered how Amity will react when she finds out she failed....

Luz stood up and looked at the glowing boxes floating around her. With a small hop she was able to grab one and drag it to herself. She moved it in front of her face and muttered "Camila Noceda." And just like last time, the cube glowed and showed her her mom. Unlike last time though, she didn't get pulled into a mirror or anything. She saw her mom cutting up some carrots while Vee sat at the table, her slimy tail flick back and forth with nervousness. 

"Hey, Mrs. Noceda?" Vee started but Camila cut her off.

"You can just call me mom, you know? I've pretty much adopted you at this point."

"O-Oh, sorry. Um, I'm just worried about Luz." Camila lets out a heavy sigh and puts the knife down, grabbing a plate and places a few carrot bites onto it.

"You took the words out of me." Camila said as she brought the plate over to Vee. "She said she was fine, but call it motherly instincts, I'm starting to think she's not alright."

"M-Mom." Luz found herself crying all over again, pressing her hand against the cube in an attempt to somehow touch her, but to no avail.

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