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- Very annoyed, stubborn,, tired college student

- They live in a trailer with their cat Charlie

- Crazy cat lady basically-

- She has had many crushes tbh- She dated Brian for a bit, then liked Jessica for awhile, and now is kinda with Seth

- Is actually a fashion designer but considers it of a hobby instead of a job, even tho people still pay her for commissions

- Is an art major

- Listens to rap and old rock music

- Honestly has more of a vintage aesthetic sometimes

- Theme song is Bubblegum B*tch

- Anger issues- Her and Tim get along-

- Tim and Brian are pretty close with her, she's friends with Sarah and Jessica. She's best friends with Seth and Alex

- She grew up being talked down by the people around her being picked on and bullied even by the people who are supposed to help her, making her aggressive and never really wanting help

- She has a brother named Casey who she still talk to

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