Little sad things (Chapter one rewrite)

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It was a bright, sunny day in Emelka. The life in a little town was booming with life, within a small inn, that was always full. Thier was a young man who was the main attraction for business, for he was a hero, the last Eliatope, and the king of them in fact. It was always busier during events happed within the small town. The young man's name was Yugo.

Yugo's POV  

 I was suck cooking in kitchen, for the day. While my father was busy tending to customers. It was an unbearable busy day at the inn, it's been the same as of late, every day so horribly busy. It was all because of me, everyone knew who was. One of the great heroes of the Brotherhood of The Tofu. Many people wanted to meet any of us. I wish it would all stop! I wish to go back in time, before any of this shit happed! I looked up at the ceiling in a daze, until my eyes stopped at the clock. A deep sigh left my lips, I had yet another date with Amalia today, we've been having one every day of this year! It's been getting a little frustrating. She's also been complaining about my height, the way I dress, and keeps asking to see under my hat.  Under my hat is a very personal subject, only a few know what's under it, I can count with one hand for the ones that know, Az, dad, and Ruel.  But she should still respect my personal space and stop asking. I work though a few more orders, before going to talk with my dad. "Hay dad! I have to go, i have another date today." I say with sadness lacing my voice. I didn't wish to leave my dad on such a busy day, but i need to keep my princess happy. "Alright, son! I got everything under control, have fun on your date!". Dad says whole heartly, with a cherry bright smile on his face. I return the smile, before I created a portal, to where my girlfriend is. On the other side of the portal, it was a conference room with all the kingdoms rulers, well except for me. Even if I'm a king i have no people to rule over in this world. My face flushes with embarrassment, as the ears on my hat drop down.

 Amalia walks up to me with an angry glare, grabs my hand then drags me out of the conference room. "I'm sorry for interrupting the meeting" I say before Amalia slams the door shut. "Yugo! You can't just drop in anywhere you like! You're lucky that my father favors you, or you would be in the dungeon!" Amalia yells with anger dancing in her voice. "I'm sorry-" I say only to be cut off by her. "Yugo go stay in my room, while the conference is ongoing, I'll see you in an hour" She sighs deeply before walking back into the room. I look at the door in a blankly daze, deep sighs leaving my mouth. I messed up. I create a portal with no destination in mind, walking through it. The other side was rather unfamiliar, there was a dark fog covering the whole town- no that doesn't fit right, it was a city, yeah that works. In the middle of the city there was a giant dark gothic castle, casting the whole city in a dark shadow. The place was almost unnerving. Almost. I walk up to the towns gated entrance. The two guards in fount by the entrance let me in. once in I look around, the dim streetlights barely lighting the surrounding building, making the city look grimmer than before.  The people walling past me look at me as if I'm the most dangerous thing to come through.  It was getting late, even if it was hard to tell within a city as dark as this. So, I decided to find an inn, to stay the night. Over a stone bridge, I can see an inn, the least inviting inn I ever seen, but not unpleasant. The sign barely holding on, almost as if the bed sign could fall off any moment. The door also in the least pleasant shape, but I open it any way, and walk inside.

It was small on the inside, brick walls breaking apart, old dusty wooden tables and chairs that had shady people eating or drinking in silence, and the bar table were the tavern keeper was the most in shape thing in the place. I walked up to the cherry oak bar table and sat on a dark wooden stool. "Anything I can help you with kid?" a deep voice asked me, I looked up to the inn keeper and smiled. "I need a room for the night." I respond softly, he looks at me and speaks. "That will be 300 kama" he moves to grab a key when I show the money. I get off the stool and grab the key, I leave for the stairs. As I go up, I make sure to make slow movements for I fear of falling through. The stairs are so broken that you can see the basement of the entablement. when I finally make it upstairs, I find the room number on my key, when I get there, I open the door and flop onto the dirty bed.  I curl into my knees, wondering if Amaila is trying to find out where I am. I giggle softly to myself, of course she would, I'm her boyfriend who went missing right before are date. I fall asleep wondering if my father too, is looking for me.

I awoke from the dim light of the sun, trying its hardest to creep though the thick dark fog coving this grim country. I sit up on the bed in a daze, my eyes fuzzy with mist. I rub my eyes to try and wake up for the day. When the world is less fuzzy, I get out of bed putting on my shoes, and walk out of the room to head downstairs. Once downstairs I sit in the far corner of the room, look around and see guards staring at me from the corner of my eye. A young girl in a waiter's outfit comes up to me. "Hello sir, id there anything you would like to order?" she asks while handing me a menu. I grab the menu and look over it. "I'll take the pancakes please" I say smiling, as I hand back the menu. She walks off after that, I look around once more ignoring the stares of the guards getting drunk at the bar. The other people where here from last night either trying to get over hangovers or trying to eat breakfast, while getting drunk. I start to drift off into space as I wait for my food to get here, until something thrown at me. I make quick portal fast enough, so it doesn't hit me. I make another portal to set what was thrown at me down on my table. It was a glass cup. I sighed in relief that the cup didn't break or hit me in the face. Everyone in the Inn stops what they're doing to look at me. The Guards that keep looking at me get up and approaching me. When they get to my table, they grab my arms forcefully. I cry out in pain as they drag me out of my seat, though the city up to the castle.

Once we reach the throne room, they throw me in front of their king I cry out a bit from the impact to my knees once I hit the floor. I pull myself up to see the king of this land. It shocked me that the king in front of me was dragon, but he didn't look like a dragon they must have been in human form. "Why are you showing me this piece of trash guards?" the king voices in a harsh tone. One guard speaks up in a scared voice "Your majesty. This boy was using a type of portal magic, we never seen before." I look at the king again to see his face was making two different types of emotions, anger and happiness. "Take him to my chambers at once!" He says as he gets up to leave the throne room. The guards grab me again, still too harshly that I can't help but cry. They sure don't know how to treat a person. They keep hold my arms as we walk through the castle. The king was talking about some shit I didn't really care about. "I had meeting with the Sadida kingdom today." The king said. It was only thing I played attention too. After a few minutes of walking, we finally make it to the king's bedroom. We walk in, and the guards let go of my arms, then they leave the room and shut the doors. "So, what do you want from me?" I asked. The king looks at me, and smiles. "Nothing much. But I'm sure the princess of the Sadida kingdom would be happy to see you at are next meeting tomorrow" he says with a toothy grin, with his sharp teeth showing. I stare at him with a disinteresting look. "I'm going to take you to the meeting with me! It gets so boring! But with you there and as someone that is beloved by every kingdom, well not every kingdom. It would just make things more exciting, but I won't let you leave my side of course! Well, you can't anyway! I put a spell on you" The king smiles brightly with an evil grin. 

I just stood there looking at him with disbelief. "My name is Adamai what's yours?" Adamia says trying to break the silence, he created. "Shouldn't you know mine already?" I speak. Adamia just stares at me. Then voices "yes I do know it already! but isn't it more fun to act like I don't?  Your just no fun Yugo!" He then goes up to me to grab onto my arm and drags me to his big ass bed. Who in the world needs something bigger than a king's size bed? I guess this guy does. he drags me onto his bed. "Goodnight Yugo! but I can't stay with you! I have a very important meeting within the hour. Sweet dreams Yugo!" Adamia says in a sweet voice, before everything fades to black.

Sorry that this took so long to rewrite, this story. The story will follow the same plot as before but there will be many different changes to it. After the next update on the 31, there will be weekly updates.

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