Little Lies (chapter 2 rewrite)

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Once yugo succumbed to the sleeping spell, Adamai moved away from the bed looking down at the young man grining to himself. Once he left the room a moment after to at least get my kingly work done. It was something he liked to avoid at all time's.

Hours past the sun struggles to rise though
thick clouds. A young man wakes up to the sound of crashing. Yugo sits up rubbing his eyes. Looking around the room he slowly recalls yesterday's event's, once the fuz of a forced rest leaves Yugo's eyes he sees a man-Adamai. That was his name flutter he couldn't care less but the smile the man had set on his face was sinister, and unnerved yugo to an unbelievable degree. "I see your finally awake, but don't look so upset!" Adamia says before continuing in a sickly sweet voice "after all we are gonna have such a fun day!" Yugo just looks away puffing his cheeks just making him look like a chipmunk. "As much as I like seeing you pout we must get going. " walking closer to Yugo as Adamia speaks then grabs onto his arm pulling him of the large bed they then teleport to the sadida kingdom within the kingdom conference room.

Everyone stops doing what with shocked/angry looks set onto their faces. king of the sadida's is one of the few within the room that is truly angry "you're an hour late!" King Oakheart angry voice rings out into the room.

Adamai with a smirk speaks like a total dumbass "So what? It's not like these meetings talk about anything important." He then walks over to his seat, still holding onto yugo's arm so he just stands next to him. "You're a really stupid dragon. Or did you already know that?" Yugo says to him. Once spoken everyone in the room finally takes noticed to yugo. "That's such a terrible thing to say you know?" Adamai sarcastically say's. How can anyone take this guy seriously? Yugo can't believe that this man is a king. The room then is filled with chatting, talking mostly about the young man's present. "Yugo! We're having you been!? And why must you always show up in these meetings!?" Amalia yells with only anger lacing her voice.

Yugo stays silent he didn't know what to say, so he puts hie head down in shame. She bbriskly walks over to him and the sound of a hand making contact with Yugo cheek rings though the now quiet room. Yugo puts his hand on his right cheek out of reflex. "I was worried sick about you. Nobody saw you! And now your showing up with a stupid king from another country! Do I mean nothing to you! You left without saying a word to me!" She says with anger and hint of sadness."I-i'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to worry you I-I swear" Yugo say's in a rush as tears start to swell in his eye's. He didn't know what to do she was upset and he didn't know how to fix it, he didn't say anything the day before he just needed a break for a bit. Only for a little while just one small break. He pushed his hands over his ears crying as he crouched on the floor apologizing over and over again. Yugo didn't know what to do the ears on my hat went down he just keep crying. "Yugo..." Amalia speeks in a soft voice while backing away not knowing what to do. Adamai the put a hand on yugo's head petting the cat(or fox?) ears helping claim him down. It made butterflies feel like the were erupting in yugo's stomach. He twitched a bit when he felt the hand grab onto ears on the hat. Yugo looks up at Adamai with teary eye, adamai then laughs a bit. "There's no need to cry" he say's in that terrible sweet voice.

Adamia then stands up and grabs yugo's hand, then they disappear from the meeting.  They end up within in Adamai's room. Adamia picks yugo setting him softly onto his bed. "How Could your girlfriend just hit you like that?" Adamia says with sadness in his voice. Yugo blush a bit when adamai touches his face as if he was a precious diamond. "She has hit me before" he say's, only to quickly add on hastily "I-it's only when she's mad at me! She doesn't mean it!"  The last part said more quietly as if uncertain. Adamai moves his thumb to make circles around yugo's check. He bushes more in response. "Well she shouldn't hit you." Adamai says in a hushed voice. His face had mixed emotions within his eyes. Yugo gives a soft smile at him but gets no smile in return. Adamai instead moves his hand down yugo's neck.

"W-what are you doing!?" Yugo squeaks out while moving back. But he doesn't respond just moving his face closer to yugo's neck. Then there was a knock on the door only then did he back up. walking to his bedroom door, opening it. Just for a maid to be standing there "Your Highness. Your lunch is really" She says while bowing. He turns around walking back up to yugo grabs his hand pushing him of his bed. They walk through the halls together while yugo was bushing. 'why am I bushing? I just met him.' Yugo thinks looking up at Adamai 'he was just so handsome, and had the most perfect body.' He shake his head. "N-No.No.. No! Don't think of him like that! He's just handsome that's why I'm bushing like this. Yeah that just it!" Yugo say to himself in a hushed whisper. Adamai just laughs a bit then says "and your cute". He bushes even harder, then looks away from him to stare at the ground. Once they make it to the dining hhal Adamai takes a seat at the end of the very long table. Yugo just sits next to him. The eat I'm silence. with Yugo thing that this was the 3rd best meal he has ever had! His dad was in first place of course! Nothing could beat his dads homecooked medals! After they got done eating. Adamai got up to look out one of the many big windows in the room, sighing softly. He turned to look at me "Could you visit often? I would like to get to know you. Plus it's rather lonely here..all alone!" He says softly just to turn dramatic at the end. Yugo just nods, the whole experience wasn't that bad. Adamai then smiles at yugo, and walks up to him."I'll be looking forward to your next visit then!" He says cheerfully with a big smile. he then touches Yugo's forehead and teleport's him in fount his house. Yugo smiles softly to himself while toucing his forehead and blushing. Alibert runs out of the inn and hugs yugo. "Are you all right? I was worried sick!" He says rather concerned. Yugo "I'm alright, sorry to make you worry" says and hugs back just as tightly.

Night rolls around slowly as the inn was rather busy so the day seemed to go on longer then normal. Yugo looks out his window at the stars thinking about his meetings with Adamai. He couldn't stop thinking about him, was it the odd first impressions? Or that Adamai was it the butterfly's that he's just left in his tummy? Yugo just falls back onto his bed, putting his head on the pillow. He shouldn't even be thinking like this he has a girlfriend, no need to like another person? Did he like Adamai?yugo didn't know, it was a confusing topic to think about. After all they just met, just like Adamai said they should get to know each other. Then he could find out if its a crush or... Something different.

Sorry this took like 2 years to come out
But I hope this chapter was enjoyable, I don't know if I will keep it 3rd person or not.
but worry not I am working on the next chapter so I won't forget about this app and this story again...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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