Chapter 1

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Before we start I would just like everyone to know that Izuku's love interest will be Bea.

Before we start I would just like everyone to know that Izuku's love interest will be Bea

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Izuku Yagi The One Champion

The story starts off with Izuku as a four year old, watching TV with his mom brushing his hair.

Izuku: Mom! Look at Dad and Jericho! I wanna be just like them! I wanna be Pokemon master too!

The boy exclaimed and watch his father in amazement, his eyes glitters and his cheeks went red by how incredible seeing this sight is, almost make him want to be like him until one day.

The boy exclaimed and watch his father in amazement, his eyes glitters and his cheeks went red by how incredible seeing this sight is, almost make him want to be like him until one day

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A funeral was held by. Izuku watch as the coffin gets buried, Izuku looks confuse of what is happening as his mother held him tight in her arms while Izumi cries on her father's arms as Toshinori held out a tear as well as his Pokemons.

Izuku: Mom, what's going on?

Inko: It's nothing honey.

Inko said and wiped the tears off her eyes and hugged her son, and till this day, Izuku doesn't understand a single thing if what has happened.

Froakie in the corner looks at Izuku with concern before Jericho(Blaziken) pat his head and watch the funeral ends.

Timeskip 4 years later

Izuku: Come on Kacchan!

An 8 year old Izuku yelled afar as two twins with spiky blonde hairs run after him.

Izumi: Slow poke!

Izumi said, running last her brother.

Izuku: Hey! I'm not!

Izuku followed his sister as the four of them went under a bridge that is near the river. The four younglings went to the surface of the water where a Magicarp swams by along with other water type pokemons.

Katsumi: Woah~ look at that cute Polywag!

Izumi: Check the Psyduck out! Hehe, he looks cute when he's holding his head.

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