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Instead, she spent most of it sitting on the balcony, watching the city below and cursing her family and The Magistrate, a glass of scotch in her hand. Somehow, this was easier than giving in to the nightmares she knew would be waiting for her as soon as she let herself fall into unconsciousness, the memories clawing at her psyche with so much force she could almost pinpoint each crack they left behind.

When morning came, Mikazuki pulled herself out of bed, yawning as she stood in front of the full-sized mirror that decorated the wall, taking a long and hard look at herself. The sorceress was still wearing the same see through purple robe, her breasts clearly visible through the fabric while the black panties stood out like a sore thumb. She looked like a mess, her hair still up into a somewhat decent ponytail while her skin was dirty and covered in mud and sweat, specks of golden dust lingering on her pale cutis like splatters of fresh blood.

Mikazuki turned to the side, her golden eyes catching the tail end of the scar that climbed up her left leg. It was an ugly scar, the kind that tore through skin, muscle and bone, pulling at the taut skin of her leg like a vicious snake wrapped around it. It was the first time in almost a decade that she was able to look at it in such detail, marvelling at the thought that she had managed to patch it up herself with her dubious medical skills.

The sorceress sighed, opting for a quick but thorough shower. Mikazuki undressed, letting the satin robe pool on the floor along with her underwear as she stepped under the warm spray of water. The hotel had not spared any expenses, with the showerhead dangling from the ceiling while the water made its way down across her body, ridding Mikazuki of all the dried dirt and blood and watching as it poured down the drain.

The shower was large, big enough to fit at least three people. The fixtures were all coated in a mixture of black and gold, the emblem of the Tsuki hotel seared into every piece of furniture. By the time the Window knocked on her door, Mikazuki was already dressed and her long wavy grey hair styled into a poorly made braid.

The sorceress sauntered to the door, pulling on the handle and visibly scowling once she realized who was standing on the other side of it. The Window smiled politely, standing at the doorframe and unwilling to step into the hotel room, as if frightened the moment he stepped inside it, Mikazuki would warp him into her domain. Mikazuki leaned against her doorframe, arms crossed in front of her chest as she eyed the man in front of her.

It was the same Window who had made the trip to Argentina, his flashy suit at least two sizes too big for his thin figure and his blonde hair slicked back while his black beady eyes looked everywhere but to her chest, a drop of sweat running down his temple. Mikazuki chuckled, stepping aside and tsking when he didn't make an attempt to enter.

"I'm sure my father has told you to fulfil my every request." Mikazuki commented absent-mindedly as she twirled around the room. "I guess that makes me your boss, doesn't it?" She levelled the man with another stare, the fierceness in her golden eyes so unbearable the Window was forced to look away.

The poor man adjusted the tie of his suit, shuffling uncomfortably before finally designing to look back up.

"I'm just here to do my job, Mikazuki-sama." He spoke, the shakiness in his voice only amusing the sorceress further.

The Window stepped to the side, motioning for the door with an exhausted expression.

"A car is waiting for you at the lobby, you'll be meeting the Kinzoku at the Hokkaido Estate."

He looked quite frail to be on The Magistrate's payroll, not that Mikazuki cared. Instead, the woman nodded, reaching for her bag and slinging it over her shoulder as she walked towards the door. She was wearing plain mortal clothes, the kind she knew would infuriate her family just enough. Truth to be told, she had no intention of meeting the Kinzoku, but arrangements had to be made for her brother's funeral, and as his twin, Mikazuki was expected to take care of it.

The sorceress could have easily warped herself on the Kinzoku Estate, bypassing the wards and spells that protected the place, but she'd rather keep that one specific card up her sleeve for the moment being. She'd rather not unravel just how strong she'd become during her ten-year-long vacation, especially to the Kinzoku, who wouldn't hesitate to use it for their benefit.

It was the kind of predictable behaviour that could be expected of them – the kind Mikazuki couldn't wait to pluck from the roots.

The trip back to Hokkaido was strange, and as Mikazuki looked out of the window of the Toyota, the sorceress couldn't help but wonder whether she'd made the right choice. Burning down her father's empire would not be an easy task, and although Mikazuki knew she was the perfect person for the job – an insider, even after her exile – she still had some doubts. Not about Asahi, as far as he was concerned, he was a steaming pile of shit, a monster, but about herself.

Was she really up to the task? Or would she crumble under the pressure like a house of cards? 

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