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MIKAZUKI OPENED HER EYES, breath caught in her throat, her limbs tangled in the sheets. The silence stretched, the only audible sound was the rain splattering against the window, moonlight illuminating the otherwise dim room. It took the sorceress a moment to realize where she was, the Kogane Manor was quieter than usual, the servants were gone for the night, which meant she was alone in the compound.

The young sorceress gulped, untangling herself from the sheets as she walked towards the window, pressing her palm against the cool glass. She reached out with the tendrils of her power, allowing Eternity to spread across the Kinzoku Estate, checking up on each family member. She checked on her siblings first, moving to her grandma and finally to her parents. Everyone was fine.


Mikazuki pressed her head against the glass, knowing exactly what had woken her up in the first place.

The nightmare was always the same. Mikazuki had grown used to it, waking up in a pool of sweat tangled in the sheets had become a common occurrence. Nightmares didn't come easily to her, there were very few things she regretted enough to haunt her at night.

Still, this nightmare prevailed. It was always the same scenario, and although her memories of it had become fuzzy with the years, the images in the nightmare were always crystal clear, like her subconscious could still remember the event despite the fact she couldn't. Or maybe she just refused to, knowing that nothing good could come from dwelling in the past.

It always began in the same way, with her stepping into the building and walking into the Curse's domain. Even at eighteen years old, The Magistrate still expected her to handle special-grade Cursed Spirit on her own. It wasn't uncommon for them to send her or her brother away to deal with these issues, the rest of the sorcerers either too busy or simply too valuable.

She was young, the spare, and therefore expandable.

It always ended in the same way, too. With her stepping out of the place, clothes dyed red from the blood, the blade of her katana coated in it, the bodies of the thirty seven Jujutsu sorcerers she had killed at her feet. The Kansai massacre – that's what The Magistrate dubbed it, and she was the only one to blame for it.

Mikazuki sighed, stepping away from the window and staring at her reflection, hating the weakness welling in her eyes. She was stronger than this. What she'd done that night was unforgivable, both by mortal and Jujutsu standards, yet she was not foolish enough to regret it. That is not why the nightmare continued to haunt her.

It was because of what had happened inside the abandoned factory, something which she would not speak of out loud. Even thinking about it made her skin crawl.

With a renewed resolve, the sorceress walked to her closet, pulling out the skimpiest dress she could find. It was almost midnight and everyone at the house was asleep, meaning no one would notice if she slipped out to have a little bit of fun. Even though the mandatory mourning period wasn't over and her little escapade would the frowned over, the sorceress still didn't hesitate. Besides, she hadn't had a chance to have a fun since her arrival in Japan, almost a week ago now.

Mikazuki chose a black cocktail dress, one her younger self never got the chance of wearing, the fabric way too thin and too much skin exposed to her then prudish taste. This Mikazuki, however, couldn't care less. The sorceress laid out the dress on top of her bed, there really wasn't much to it, a bunch of fabric tied up by two skimpy strings, the length of is so short Mikazuki guessed one wrong move would be enough to expose half of her rear. But since that was exactly the kind of thing she was looking for, the woman smiled.

The sorceress quicky got dressed, checking herself out in the mirror with a satisfied grin. The dress hugged her in all the right places, accentuating her curves and making her chest stand out just enough to make her a little bit of a slut. Without a single doubt, she pulled at the gold between the folds of reality, disappearing with a loud cracking sound before reappearing again in the bustling city of Tokyo.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, Mikazuki stumbled. It had been a long while she last teleported herself, and even then, the sorceress wasn't used to wearing anything up of a three-inch-heels, which was at least a quarter of what she was currently wearing on her feet. Still, Mikazuki quickly regained her footing, stalking the different nightclubs lined on the street. The sorceress didn't remember Shinjuku being this lively, not that she minded at the moment as the flickering lights and loud music entrapped her attention.

She was done feeling sorry for herself, especially when she could be feeling something far more exciting.

The first two nightclubs were a bust, the mood was sour and the drinks were far more expensive than she liked. Of course, she could always touch something and turn it to gold, but it wasn't like she could pass it off as currency, and she'd rather not charge anything to her credit card, knowing fully well her father was aware of her every move, and this was something she wasn't looking forward to getting lectured on.

The third nightclub was an entirely different experience: the name Neo Masquerade written in bright neon letters at the door. The music was loud, the flashing lights were bright neon and the people were dancing wildly, their sweaty bodies tangled in the dancefloor. The bar was lit up in purple as the bartender made rounds, pouring out shots of liquor Mikazuki knew half the people there weren't even able to stomach.

"This is exactly what I need." Mikazuki muttered to herself before stepping into the building.

As soon as she entered the club, she was greeted by a man who marked her with a neon highlighter, the stamp standing out in the dark as she made her way to the glowing dancefloor. The music kept on playing, the people dancing growing wild at the change of song. To Mikazuki, it was nothing but senseless sound, but apparently the crowd couldn't get enough of the rhythmic beat and the shrill voices accompanying it. The club was dark, purple neon lights illuminating the dancefloor in the middle of the room along with a couple of booths set around the perimeter. There were people everywhere, far more than what the sorceress had grown used to during her exile, yet the ambient wasn't suffocating, but exciting instead.

Mikazuki didn't linger, opting to join the dancing bodies as she lunged to the dancefloor, quickly sandwiching herself between a mildly attractive man and a clearly non-straight woman. If she was going to sin, might as well make it a good one. 

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