Chapter 4

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I was walking towards the beach, with a necklace and ring inside a velvet box, inside tightly clenched fists. I think you know what I was about to do.

But then, after hearing some rustling in the bushes beside me. I really shouldn't have, but I looked behind it. As they say, curiosity killed the cat. And I was that cat.

Annabeth was straddling Anthony while kissing him. That little b!tch! Then, Annabeth pulled away.

"Ahhh, Annie," Anthony said, "When are you going to ditch my loser of a brother?"

Annabeth thought for a bit and then replied, "Probably tomorrow, at lunch, so I can humiliate him in front of everyone."

Anthony smugly replied,


 "No. No. NO!!!!!" I screamed at Annabeth. I was shivering in rage, so angry I could barely look straight because all I could see was red.

Her head snapped around to me. Annabeth eyes widened and she cried,

"This is not what it looks like, Perc-"

"Stop being so fake," I snarled, in cold fury. "You're pathetic, believing him."

Anthony winked at me with a huge smirk. But not in a good way.

"goodbye, Annabeth. Hope you have a good life with Poseidon's spawn." Then I stopped and turned back to her.

"Oh, and here's a little something I was going to give you." I tossed the box to her. 

As soon as she had opened the box, she gasped and said"Oh Seaweed Br-"

"shut up" I had said. Then I walked away.


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