Chapter 9

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"Aren't you supposed to be at Camp?" Nico asked.

"Oh my Hades, Nico, no! Of course not! Didn't you hear what they did to me?"



"'s the story"

And I told Nico all about the past few weeks.

A few hours later...(3rd person POV)

"Look, Percy, what they did to you was absolutely wrong. But don't you think they might've been...possessed(Stupid autocorrect, it corrected possessed to possibly Poseidon) or something?" asked Nico.

"Definitely not. They looked very much like themselves, especially Annabeth and that stupid ************ b*****."

"Sheesh, cool down"


Nico sighed. Welp, looks like that worked. 

"So, what do say to raiding a store?"

"Well, what do you think?" replied Percy, with a mischievous grin. (Encanto reference anyone?)

So they did what they did.

"I know the perfect place to raid," said Nico, struggling to hide a dark grin, looking very much like a scary pumpkin carved by toddlers with their clumsy hands.

A few minutes later...

"Seriously?! A Walmart?" asked Percy, dumbfounded.

"I mean like, we could go to a Costco if you want..."

"Ya, no."

So they raided a Walmart in the middle of the day, in plain sight.

They went for a joyride on one of the shopping carts, knocked down all the fries from the little McDonald's inside the store(Great, now I'm craving McDonald's), shoplifted the entire food department, stole five cheeseburgers, got a worker fired, got a woman arrested by putting all the appliances they could get their hands on in her handbag, set a fire in the bathroom, etc.

"So, what did you think of that?" asked Nico.

"We should be the sons of Hermes."

A/N: OMG guys we got 300 reads AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Thx so much!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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