3) Hidden Legacy

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Stiles had gotten kicked out from the pack after the Nogitsune incident. His dad had thought it was wise to send Stiles away from Beacon Hills for a while to let him recover and put off trouble.
He'd gotten send off by his dad, Melissa, Deaton, Peter and even the Hell Hound deputy Parrish.

Noah had sent Stiles to his sister May, who lived in New York. There, Stiles took on a new name to separate himself from everything in Beacon Hills and hide from anyone, any enemy after him: Peter Parker.

And it had worked for a few years. He'd made new friends, new bullies and decided to try to stay out of the supernatural world and just be a hyperactive nerd.
It worked for a while.

He tried his best to ignore any happenings in the supernatural world, mostly to not rush back to Beacon Hills and cause NYC was a larger territory so he didn't want to mess with any packs there - though he had visited Queens' local druid upon Deaton request. And he'd helped him out now and then as a simple assistant, nothing more, nothing less. Which is how a few supernaturals affiliated with the druid came to know of him and thankfully left him alone.

But trouble found him again, and instead of a werewolf it was a spider bite that gave him enhanced strength and powers.
Seeing that his dad had always taught him to be responsible, Stiles decided to use his powers to protect his present neighborhood. Although that too quickly escalated (why do things around him tend to do that?!) far beyond that scope when he'd met Tony Stark, Ironman. His idol when he'd still been in Beacon Hills.

And Stiles was ecstatic over the news of the man being interested in his work, and wanting to support him. And yes, he'd had a fallout with the man, he always had with authority, if because of his living style (he bonded with Pepper over that and now their first name basis!), but he tried to remain on the right path.

Which was why, after realising that people were after him for a crime he hadn't committed - it was the drone that had gotten out of contol under Beck's command and accidentally shot him - and putting not only his friends and the multiverse at risk, as well as loosing his Aunt May, that he decided to stop being a hero.

He had made it possible that everyone forgot about 'Peter Parker' with the help of Stephen Strange and later checked if the spell had worked. His dad still knew of 'Stiles Stilinski' but he believed that he was just studying abroad to catch a breather and that May had died in a robbery.

Reality had slightly twisted to avoid his involvement, forgotten Spiderman ever existed. Every person and supernatural on earth forgot his existence and deeds.
But he would forever remember it like a fever dream and nightmare. Another nightmare, following the people he'd killed and the Nogitsune. Which, in order to prevent any dark spirits from pestering him again, he'd gotten an amulet from a witch allied with the druid from Queens, who still knew him as someone his colleague from Beacon Hills mentioned and requested he'd help 'Stiles Stilinski' if possible.

He'd gotten a wristband with different gemstones intertwining through thread; looking similar to a dream catcher. He had never taken it off after getting it and, deciding it was better if he remained in a secluded area, moved back to his dad.
Stiles Stilinski had come home, with an experience nobody would believe he had.

Though a few noticed something was off about him. Peter, Melissa, Noah and even Lydia had noticed a solemn air hanging around him like a dark fog and the fact that it clung to him like a shroud of death and negativety scared them.
His eyes had further lost their spark, but he'd written it off and continued to stay secluded to the outside world, to everyone sans his dad and Peter. He had nothing against Melissa but he knew Scott would dislike hearing about him, and besides the earlier aura of death Lydia avoided him again.

And, after he'd broken of school in New York, he'd managed to work at his dad's station and help out there. At least organizing and looking through files is something he could manage while keeping track of any left open cases for which he left some clues to his dad, Peter and the deputy.

Spiderman was a thing of the past, a bitter memory, and Peter Parker was dead, but Stiles Stilinski was alive, still a nerd playing detective, and he never learned of a way to stop his searching mind.

And, as a means to protect himself, he'd kept the webshooters. He also still had his 'normal' strength and abilities to help him and while hiding his secret identity as Spiderman, learned how to hide them from everyone. He apparently didn't even have a different scent, nothing supernatural at least, cause he had a bit of a chemical scent masked underneath his adrenaline, sadness and Trauma- "Thanks for that subtle feedback Peter."


But, as it turns out, there were some who'd remembered Peter Parker, only a handful though. Such as those off-world, the Guardians of the Galaxy -like Thor and Starlord- and Captain Marvel.

They were the ones to call the others, ranging from T'Challa to Antman to Fury for a gathering, cause something was clearly off: Queens had unusually high crime rates- every part of New York seemed to have gotten worse- and everyone from space noticed.

Upon the question where 'Spiderboy' or 'The man of Spiders' - and no he wasn't a God but a valiant young human warrior - was they were met by confusion and concern, which spelled trouble.
The fact that Strange didn't recall the boy despite having known him among those fighting against Thanos, and not remembering him as Ironman's pseudo-son was among the strangest of not most horrifying things they discovered.

Thus, they'd asked him if there was any spell to forget a person's existence.

Strange had midway through their frantic questioning, interrogations really, been about to reason why that was taboo and he hadn't when Wang had butted in stating the clear opposite. They'd shared a short debate through which it became clear that the man had, in fact, forgotten that he himself had cast and consequently been affected by the spell.

But why would he do that?
Who was this 'Spiderman'?

Fury thus tasked them with finding out more about this 'Spiderman' who was actually a teen ("And you're sure he fought against Thanos?!" Steve asked) and bring him in for questioning, which was admittedly very hard due to the spell cast by the master supreme. After a bit of this and that and some experimenting, they'd managed to find a similar memory spell. Strange cast it upon himself, blocking the effect of the previous spell from taking a hold of him with the Eye of Agamoto, and what he recalled left him speechless and worried beyond comprehension for his stupid pseudo-son's condition and whereabouts.

-Though, telling the others what had transpired was as baffling as it was tragic.

The boy had lost everything and was wanted by the world, over a crime Strange was certain had been nothing but a fraud.

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