Chosen By The Nemeton

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During the usual full-moon, where Stiles and Lydia were set to stay in the Hale house for safety and keeping a tab on the others as, well, they had a bit too much wolf and less sanity at the moment. Them being: Scott, Derek, Liam, Isaac, Boyd, Jackson, Malia, Peter and Theo.

Allison had, winning both a debate against Scott and showing off her defensive and offensive skills when taking him out in training at the start of the week, been the one to go with Kira and keep a watch on them and to prevent them from possibly eating raw human steak by going near town or outside residences.

Luckily Derek and Peter (Stiles suppressed a shiver, 'luck' and 'Peter' in the same sentence was still taking since getting used to) had more sanity (HA!) than the rest in wolf-form due to evolving and made sure the younger ones didn't stray too far from their watch, as well as signal the girls their location and prevent them from being attacked by the instinct-driven werewolves.

So yeah, fun night. Thank fuck it was friday and not a school night.
He'd make them a nice breakfast when they got back and then they could all collapse in a pack pile and snooze the entire afternoon... Did he mention he hadn't slept in 3 days? He'd been a tad too busy during that time, resulting in feeling a little woozy and his vision blurred occasionally.
He was positively pining after an afternoon nap in a warm cuddle pile with the pack.

And since they don't collectively turn back, he'd strapped walkie-talkies with his scent on them around the woods - the sole reason for his loss of sleep or lack thereof - ensuring that those that turned back earlier or an emergency happened could find them and he could pick them up with his jeep.

He, unfortunately, couldn't have just strapped GPS-trackers on or chip them--yes it would've made things easier, Derek.
No, it's not childish, Jackson!
Liam, we found you in Scott's room after 3hours of searching, you gave me a heartattack! Isaac, you were found in a literal dog pen, and the dog adopted you! Boyd, Derek, Peter and Theo were the only ones who came back on their own while Peter had to wrestle Malia to stop trying to eat a bear - and yes I know you could've taken him, Malia, but we had barbecue scheduled, wouldn't that taste better??


Anyway, it sucked and he probably should've taken a short nap earlier instead of just dozing, but it was what it was. He blamed Derek and dared the Alpha to rob him of any more sleep cause he didn't think his suggestions were appropriate or conventional after this. He had Liam, his baby's, backing already and, while Lydia would give him that look that was asking if he'd killed a squirrel to make vintage boots, she'd see the logic at least.

Peter would just watch for shits and giggles, seeing his nephew and Alpha getting annoyed cause of him... The older Hale really started acting like the aunt at family gatherings that was just there to see the next episode of family drama - the only worthwhile amusement and entertainment besides murder schemes according to him.

Stiles could partially understand where he came from, seeing as he literally spends his freetime annoying others before making pin-boards stalking their life history or going through investigation reports he lynched from his dad, the hospital or whatever international channel he won't name to his dad.

'What he can't vouch for he can't attest to' is what his dad had said regarding the latter. Still, neither he nor Melissa had found out it was happening, when it was happening or had successfully found a way to make him stop doing it.

And here Theo asked which of them was creepier. Rude and hypocrite, btw.

Bottomline, Derek's fault.

Also: give him some credit and don't provoke or irritate him in the next 12 hours before he got at least 5h of sleep and coffee, please and thank you.

As if sensing his intentions, he was dragged out of consious self-pity and -lamenting when a big cup of coffee was pressed into his stiff and numb hands.

Lydia, blessed be onto thee, strawberry goddess.

He grumbled something and downed some of the still scorching, bitter liquid, feeling himself wake up a little and the fog in his mind clear somewhat.

"You look like shit took pity on you."

"I'm gonna need more to survive the need to split my head and konk out. But thanks."

She huffed, rolling her eyes with tired exasperation.

She probably knew better than anyone, even his dad and Scott (though the latter wasn't turning out to be much of an achievement seeing as Scott had close to zilch knowledge on how much work Stiles did), how much Stiles tended to drive himself into the ground and to the earth's core if it meant his loved ones were safe.

Personally, and in her opinion while speaking from experience, it's phenomenal he's not a demon with the amount he crawls out of bed as if it were his grave and semi-functioning as a (very barely) normal human teenager.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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