Chapter 2

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I rose from my silky sheets and got changed into my work outfit.
This included room for guns, medical supplies and a big bow and arrow.
The acctual outfit was made from a green and black cloth, it had many holes on the sleeves and legs with nothing covering my face.

I began wondering to the LOV. hideout.

"Knock knock anyone here"

The door opened and i got yanked in.

"Hmph pleasant greeting."

I had noticed over years that when I was with possible clients my grammar changed drastically, Enkai said it was quite amusing.
My slang was gone that ment buissness.

"Hi Leauge, I was wondering why yesterday I had a visite by fifteen Heroes, happen to know anything about that?"

They looked at each other then back to me.

"No idea"

The burnt spaghetti said in a hollow voice. He reminded me of that candy cane idiot.

"Ahh yes, you sound very sure of that, Dabi."

I noticed they started showing signs of using their quirks and fighting against me.

"No need, but we know it was you so just speak up"

Silence rung out like a clear bell.

I took my bow and aimed an arrow and the one who was wearing hands, this was Shigaraki the leader of LOV. Tip- Always aim for the most important player.

"Just say you did it."

"I am tired, you and your league keep missing payments and now you rat us out, go fuck yourselves!"

Dabi lunged at me, quirk activated.
I had to go up against the blue burnt nugget, yay.....

The flame boy barked,

"So, queen of the underground smuggling has people she cares about? Yeesh thought you to be better than that, you know they are a weakness but we can help with that."

One word came out, one word could come out.


I activated my quirk and filled the room with my vines, all coming from my body, blood flowing down my arms.
The thing about my quirk is that when I create my vines they have to come through my skin making my body bleed in those places.

Me and Dabi began to fight.
Dabi lunged at me, burning all the vines I was sending his way. He lunged at me and punched my stomach, then my face. I felt a little blood trickle from my nose. I kept fighting but the cuts and blood loss were wearing me down.

At this point the whole room was burnt or destroyed. Dabi kept fighting, I rushed at him, he dodged as I flew behind him. Grabbing his wrist with my vines I punched him in the side, making him cough.

Kurogiri opend a portal, a portal to the worst place imaginable.

The portal lead to UA.

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