Reunion(pt 2)

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Of course, peace and quiet never last, even in safe worlds. 

Grian and Taurtis sat in the grass, enjoying each other's presence and ignoring the comms constantly going off. It was nice to be together again, and Grian had so much to show Taurtis. There's so much to this world he now calls home: new builds, shenanigans, the other hermits-

Speaking of the other hermits, Mumbo and Xisuma have made it to the spawn area. Grian assumes this may be purposeful, having one of Grian's best friends and the admin of the server be the first to interact with the newcomer that has some sort of relation to Grian.

As the two approached, Grian and Taurtis stood (though Taurtis was a bit unsteady from nervousness and just being summoned from who knows where, so he leaned slightly on Grian). 

Before the two could start to ask questions, Grian quickly started introductions, "X-eye-zoooom-a" Xisuma looked at him incredulously. "and Mumbo, this is Taurtis. Taurtis, this is Mumbo and ick-ze-I-zoom-ey-voy-odd"

"Hello! I got summoned here by Grian again" Taurtis introduced himself with a wave. 

"Summoned? Again? Is he like one of your NPCs you were working on, Grian?" Mumbo asked, visibly concerned. Xisuma looked at him oddly, while he is used to the weird contraptions from the redstone engineers of the server, its sort of widely known that Grian is absolute garbage at redstone, how could he build a complex machine that operates similarly to players?

Taurtis gasped, faking offense, "How dare you compare me to the NPCs, I'll have you know I've been friends with Gri here since shōgakkō!(primary school) That's way before we even knew what redstone was!"

Xisuma and Mumbo didn't quite recognize that word, but that's probably the least of their worries at this point, they'll ask later. 

"I mean... you did get cloned though, maybe you are one of the NPCs," Grian joked.

"I can't believe you, I am way better than them" Taurtis shot back, jokingly overconfident.

"Don't let NPC Grian hear you say that," Grian half-heartedly warned his friend.

"Sorry to interrupt, but what exactly is going on here?" Xisuma interrupted.

"Okay, yeah, I should probably explain. I went to high school with Taurtis, then we were on another server together, which I had to summon him to because he was also lost to the void after our childhood server kind of stopped existing? I ended up here and tried to summon him again, I really missed him and that's the only way to get him on a server --weird, we know-- but here we are." Grian tried to explain without giving too much away. As much as he feels safe here, he wants to handle one issue at a time and right now its making sure Taurtis can stay. Taurtis took notice and stayed mostly quiet, letting Grian control the narrative of their backstory, Gri knows these people way better after all.

"Uh huh.. Okay, not the weirdest thing I've heard" Xisuma said, "I presume you are wanting Taurtis to stay here?"

"Precisely!" Grian agreed, Taurtis nodded fervently in agreeance.

"Okay, well you are aware of what has to happen before Taurtis can, right?" Xisuma asked, just getting a perplexed look from Grian and Taurtis. Xisuma sighed, "We have to hold a meeting and vote about whether Taurtis is allowed to join the server or not. And, because this is a special case of the player being here before the vote, the both of you will need to help me fix the server protections so other players don't get summoned. We have these protections for a reason."

"Okay, I can definetly help with the protections stuff, I used to be an admin myself," Grian assured him

Xisuma raised an eyebrow at the new information, though the other two seemed unphased by it.

"How long until the next meeting?" Taurtis asked the admin.

"It will likely be in two or three days, you all can meet with people and explore while waiting, but Taurtis has to be occupancies at all times for the sake of safety. I would also like to see how you managed to summon him." Xisuma explained. 

"Thank makes sense, thank you X-i-zuma?" Taurtis thanked him.

"It's Xisuma," Xisuma laughed.

"No, no, its exercise-zooma" Grian was quick to 'correct' with a laugh.

Xisuma chuckled, "I don't think it is actually, I do need to start getting the meeting ready though, so I've got to go. See you all later."

"Bye Xisuma!" The hermits and Taurtis replied (though one may have had a slightly more deranged pronunciation. Idk who that would be though /j) 

"Hey, Taurtis, are you ready for the tour-tis?" Grian joked.

"I see what you did there," Taurtis laughed, "but yes, tour time!" 

"Alright Mumbo, you're helping us give Taurtis a tour and convince people" Grian stated, dragging Mumbo with him as Taurtis followed excitedly.


This was my first time actually writing dialogue for xisuma and mumbo so I'm sorry if they're a bit out of character (same with taurtis and grian, I don't practice dialogue much.). I will hopefully add more to this story, as I have a mostly planned storyline now. I guess its no longer a one-shot lol

Anyways, hope yall enjoyed, I shall see yall next time <3


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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