chapter 8:

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Don't own anything

Tyson pov:

I reported this to our friends that senki shu is looking for a kaiju called Bagan.

their faces showed fear. That confirms that. Someone worse than destoroyah.

Tyson: does he have any relation to yoma you girls been fighting?

Asuka: no far from it. Bagan is more ancient than yoma

Leo: long ago Mothra defeating him & godzilla did the second time. Now it makes sense. Why hyoki

Alarm went off. We ran to the main computer screen showing gigan.


Homura: not that giant giant poetry again

Tyson: i'm gonna fight him

Asuka: I'll deploy piloting kiryu

Timeskip Asuka pov:

I activated kiryu

Thanks to a new battery installed we don't need planes to transport him. As light faction & hebijo we so own g force. Ever since it military well they uhh fell apart.

Keep it short. We were investigating the largest giant force base found 2 mecha gs & moguera. Mazer based vehicles, but no personel, we were about leave it as it is but leo Sama said were gonna well .... operated the base.

Ninjas are military but not THIS kind of military. But someone has to do it. Government just moved to something else.

I took off with via boosters Tyson already turned into godzilla fighting gigan, I battery rammed gigan hitting the building destroying it.

Author pov:

Asuka external speakers: " as usual gigan always starting stuff "

Gigan's lasers hit kiryu she gave a scream godzilla/Tyson heat beam in return injuring gigan. Asuka got up quickly, radar picked up something from underneath the ground.

She jumped away from it. Drills poke out from the ground. Familiar roar was heard.

Ginrei: MEGALON!?

To be continued:

Megalon has yet to return in recent toho stuff

Can't believe they ignore him.


senran Kagura: Godzilla (asuka x op oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now