Nick (2)

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Since this story got a little longer than intended and now has more parts between Meredith and Nick, Nick's and Meredith's version are quite similar at times... that's why I shortened those parts in Nick's version... Everytime I left something out I put [...]. In case anyone wants to know what else happened in those scenes you can find it in Meredith's part... I hope that makes sense...💕


"Thank you for still being here."

He had left the office, his heart burst wide open. Hurt and scared that they might just end now or ever yet knowing that he needed to be there for her. Because the heaviness of her words sending him away, seemed so small compared to the obvious pain that she was in. He needed to stay. He wanted to stay. Not just for her, but also for him. Because he loved her.


The next day Nick spent helping out at the hospital wherever help was needed, the pit, the blood donation program, post-ops since the residents were gone.

And only when he had some free time in the afternoon, he saw Meredith's message.

'Can we talk?' – Meredith

With her words, the hope was rising inside him. He was on his way to her office when he saw that she was in a surgery. He took the opportunity to get out to the coffee cart, ordering two cups of coffee for them before waiting in her office.

Nick was leaning against her desk, when he saw her through the window walking towards her office a few moments later. For a short moment she seemed to hesitate before she slowly went further inside the room, but this time in his direction stopping just a few steps away from him. He reached for the coffee behind him handing it to her, receiving a smile in return.

"It was you, wasn't it? The blanket, the coffee..." She asked quietly. And it made him happy to know that he had been able to put a small smile on her lips with these small gestures despite everything else that was going on.

"I don't know what you are talking about." He responded, trying to sound oblivious, as she took the coffee from him.

"Thank you." She whispered, leaving them in silence for some moments.


Nick saw Meredith observing him for some more moments before she whispered "Do you have to leave tonight?"

"Unfortunately, yes... Charlotte is coming to visit." He answered, but at the same time got closer to her.


"Mer... It'll be okay." He put his hands around her, feeling the need to reassure her, as he caressed her back while holding her close to him.


After their conversation, he felt a little more hopeful again, even though he could feel that Meredith was struggling with her past more than she wanted to admit, but for now the only thing he wanted was to show her that he was there for her.

He quickly got his things, changed into his street clothes and made his way to the airport to pick up Charlotte.

And an hour later, filled with discussions about what to eat for dinner or better said where to order, they finally arrived at Nick's place.

"Nice apartment, Uncle Nick." Charlotte stated as she walked through the small apartment Nick had rented for the time he was staying in Seattle. "I like Seattle."

"How are those two related?" Nick asked with a questioning smile on his face. "Also, wait until you experience the rain up here."

"They aren't. And I like rain." Charlotte turned around to her uncle, smiling at him.

The love I have for you | MernickWhere stories live. Discover now