I am so dumb

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I was just wondering: why am I so stressed and behind with my school work?

Well, I just remembered how I procrastinate everything and push everything back. My school does block scheduling, which means we have 8 classes that go for about 1 30 minutes each day. I can't sit still and I sucks. We have even classes one day and odd classes the next day, so I push my homework assignments to the next night.

Sometimes I forget to write down my assignments and when they are due, so I just go on about my day and then when I have that class next and the teacher is like, okay pass up your homework, I'm just like, shit 😶.

I am also stressed because of that and that I have finals coming up in two weeks and I have yet to memorize my Spanish vocab for our last unit and I am going to be screwed. 

Ha ha...

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