Why I support women's rights

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Yes, I'm a women, thank you for asking.

So, I'm pretty pissed right now. Wanna guess why? Has to do with the title...

SO MY FUCKING MOTHER—maybe I should put this story on mature for the amount of swearing—DECIDED TO SAY THE WORST THING SOME ONE COULD SAY TO A WOMEN, ESPECIALLY A YOUNG WOMEN. I know she didn't mean this, but what if she said this to me when I was younger and didn't know really any better and actually thought this is how a women should be and that is normal.

So my mom is placing a Costco order, cause no one wanna always go into that store, it gets annoying sometimes. 

Can I go off topic for a sec? What is with the popular girls and drinking Celsius. Like I thought it was just the popular girls at my school, but I saw a tik tok of the girl who always does those POV's of middle schoolers, and in the one I saw today, she was like, oh this store doesn't have Celsius. My first period teacher asked the girls where they got them (because they have like 20 on them) and they were like Costco. What is the appeal with those drinks? I saw they have caffeine on one of the cans the girls threw out (didn't recycle even though the recycling can was right next to the trash, dumb ass bitch). And those girls also come to school with a coffee in their hand, they are just having double caffeine right there.

Sorry, I just got so side tracked. So my mom was placing a Costco order and she was asking us if we wanted anything. I said I wanted these fruit bars I liked and she asked if I had any left and to count and see how many I had left to see if it would last me until next month. I counted them and I didn't have enough. 

Then she asked my brother if he wanted any beef jerky (side note, gross, I never understood the appeal, even when I did eat meat) and he said sure, but he said it quietly. So being nice, I said sure for him.

I was walking back from the bathroom from washing my hands when I said sure and I was going to go read an email I had pulled up on my phone about the Summer English Reading I have to do for my honors class.  My mom asked if I could go and see if he had any left. I asked her why and she said because I was up and about. I groaned and walked to go out to the pantry, but then she said and because you are a girl and that I what you are supposed to do.

I just stopped in front of the door that led out to the pantry and tried to process what she said. I turned around and said, no I don't think I will, make him do it, very, very harshly. She was like, no I will do it. I was like why. She said because I am his mother and he is a guy and that I what I am supposed to do until he moves out.

Like, I would've done it because I am nice and being nice is my whole personality. And so if I am not nice, there is something wrong. Am I on the time of my month? Why am I being a bitch? Well sorry mom that I've been oppressed by the way you think I should dress and act: be nice and wear cute little outfits and do something with your hair because it is bothering me. Well mother, one, yes I am nice but there is so much more to my fucking personality than being nice. Two, I don't like that shit, I like ripped jeans with iron on patches and chains and cargo pants and flannels and beanies and band tees. Three, it's my fucking hair and my hair is thicker, frizzier, and harder to control than yours when you were my age. 

She is telling me not to marry when I am young and have kids when I am young and end up with her with a terrible relationship that is so hard to get out of because the other person is terrible. But she is also saying and trying to get me to act like her and be like how society wants a women to look and act like.

She is lucky that I am a huge supporter of women's rights and will totally beat up someone if they tell me something that oppresses my gender, like telling me to get in the kitchen. Thank you sir, you are telling me the place where the knives are. (Please don't take that literally, please don't stab someone unless it is in self defense)

She is also lucky that I watch a lot of tik tok behind her back, especially strong female tiktokers and lesbian tik toks. 

People shouldn't be saying those things. Like I get if you are joking about that stuff and you say stuff like that because it is annoying and you just want to make fun of it, but just saying if randomly like you actually mean it isn't good. If you keep saying something over and over again, it can be stuck in someone's head and they can actually start to believe it, that is how racism is.

Side not about racism, my dad's family is racist. My dad himself doesn't make racist comments, so he might not be as bad, but I can't be too sure. I'm happy for a few reasons for my parents getting divorced, like I'm finally getting a therapist after having depression and major anxiety since elementary school and I can finally have reasons not to go to my dad's family's Christmas party. 

My dad's family are probably the ones who think a women should be one way and bein the kitchen. Whenever I'm there, it's only the women in the kitchen and the men are watching whatever is on TV. And I feel bad because I don't know what to do because my nana and great aunt are cooking and no one is helping them, but I don't want to help because I don't want to continue the whole thing about that's where a women should belong.

We women don't belong in one place. We are powerful and we don't need terrible, prejudiced people telling us how we should act and be. It's terrible how we are told how we should dress or how we should do our makeup, but then we are criticized for it. Nothing is ever good enough.

I hate how whatever women do, it's always sexualized. Why can't we just wear a tank top in school because it is 95 degrees outside and the AC in the school is shit? Why can't we bend over to pick something up off of the floor without some shit-faced comment from a guy? It sucks. It's like whatever we do, we will always be sexualized.

Over last summer, my friends and I went to a fair in town and we were waiting in line for the boat ride. You know the one that rocks back and forth and gets a steeper incline with every rock? So we were waiting in line for that and these other guys walk up to us and say, hey can we pop in the line behind you? I mumbled to my friends, why don't you ask the people behind us? The guy who asked us if he could go into the line extended his hand for a handshake out to me and said, I'm ben dover.  We didn't do anything, I glared at his hand then him for a second then we turned back around because we were next to get on the ride. 

When we were on the ride, the guys decided to go on the other side of the ship, in the row where we would be looking at them. We were actually making fun of them during the whole ride. My friend said he looked like the chuck e cheese rat and that was what we called him for the whole night. 

When we got off the ride, the guys got right in front of us and we heard them call us bitches. Then we ran off to find my friend's (not the one who called the guy the chuck e cheese rat) little sister. We told the little sister and her friends and my friend's dad about the guy and to watch out for him. My friend's dad was mad at the guys for acting that way and saying that stuff about us.

If I ever see those guys again, they are getting a swift kick to the balls.

To all the women who stand together for women's rights, I respect and love you. To the men and everyone else who supports us, thank you all you guys are amazing. To the people who don't think like we think, I don't like you, we are people too. 

We women are strong and I am proud to be a woman! 👩👩‍⚕️👩‍🎓👩‍🏫👩‍⚖👩‍🌾👩‍🍳👩‍🔧👩‍🏭👩‍💼👩‍🔬👩‍💻👩‍🎤👩‍🎨👩‍✈️👩‍🚀👩‍🚒👮‍♀️🕵️‍♀️💂‍♀️👷‍♀️👸🧕👳‍♀️👱‍♀️👩‍🦰👩🏿‍🦱👩‍🦳

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